Power's Out

No power in the condo. So i'm forced to do my work in public-ish. Planning to draw in the mall instead. Ugg... maybe just find a corner where no one will bother me.
what i have to say about magical items in DnD.
"...And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that *everyone* can have powers. *Everyone* can be Super! And when everyone's Super... no one will be." -
Syndrome from the Incredibles
Its just being decked out in magical finery, can make magic a bit over rated. In fact, why not just play a Modern Game?!? Chainmail shirt +4, thats the new Dragonscale armor being developed. Mithril? that titanium. Spider Silk, Thats Kevlar!

Forget Swords and Sorcery. Want the power to level buildings, be a demo expert. Want the power to rain down "fire" on your foes, be an artillerist. Want all the power to command all these various powers, be a Politician with a Propaganda. All it really takes, is just spinning it differently. Seeing the qualities that make it EPIC, Heroic or larger than life. Moments that happen everyday and in every trial in life.

Wanna play sword and sorcery, where swords were the best weapon! then play Roman Era. Swords greater than the length of the gladius was hella'spensive and the best weapons around. Magical armor, The romans had the best armor around, near magical to the eyes of uncivilized barbarians.

Special forging techniques? There was no science to anything. It was all trial and error. Something that worked was already magical.

Trued20. Nice and elegant. Although, it needs a lot more converted material, but still its better then the current system. Its more streamlined. and for guys like me who wants realism, its great. Plan to give it to my cousins.
DnD demographics. 1sp in DnD = $35 in gurps. Levels could have Station attached to it, if not station a demographic ratio to determine how rare it is (made a table for this already).


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