
Showing posts from November, 2014

running update

45 mins star Trac 5km and 6.2 nike. 2 incline and 14 lb rig. My running is not symmetic my right foot kicks away. It must be from soccer  to allow me to kick the ball. Knees are ok but worried for no reason.

running update

41 mins 5km on start trac, flex,  and nike Tried 10 incline which is just 10 degrees. I have a long way to go. Need to set the goal of 5 incline and 5km in 40 mins or less. I changed my pouches up. Needs to jump around less, I don't know how to fix it without buying a new pouch.

To Sleep Early or Not to Sleep Early

All of it stems from the ability to sleep early. I have terrible sleep efficiency. So I need the 8-9 hours needed because I dont hit REMS that reliably. I spend a lot of effort on self control that I have very little left for real productivity. if I want to do more in my day, the early morning of 4am is the best time. I wake up and take my time. I need to take my yogurt latte and a healthy breakfast (subway is not yet open), then I exercise first, doing uppers (dipps, push ups, and the punching bag), then I proceed to plan the day ahead with writing or blogging. I get into my documentation mode and start writing a lot and planning and reading up on things. By around 6:30 I try to wake up Niko, getting him ready for school. Ideally niko sleeps with me as early as 7am. so he gets also 9 hours of sleep where he wakes up in a really good and productive mood. Everything tends to be smooth saling from there. If I need to do an errand, I can head on over to where it should be and arrive ...

running update

22 mins 3 km on star Trac and nike. Left knee took effort to take the impact. Foot falls firm, probably psycho somatic. Anyway, this should let me wake up early.

running update

3.3 km at star Trac 3.3 km on fitbit flex 4.3 km on nike 3.0 incline 14 lbs rig Knees a but weak footfalls better using Pegasus 31 flash

REM, Recovery , insurgency , shoes and pants

REM How correct is this analogy: REMs  is like rebooting your phone. Setting this back to zero has less errors because of of the finite level of precision. The heart rate is still governed  by ones neural system even if one are not conscious of it and like any imperfect program over time there are errors in the rhythm. These minor errors add up, and it strains various sub dependent systems. Thus how well one Reboots or Rem affect how perfectly clean the slate they start from. In 7 hour should be about 4 Rem cycles. So the need for reboot is dependent on genetics (because being a light sleeper may mean one can achieve enough rems but one is more sensitive to other variables, while others are more precise in their cardio rhythm  ) Information about sleeping habits is important because it's one of those things one is not conscious enough to document. When one has data they are able to better replicate the conditions for the desired output or troubleshoot based on tre...

niko update: comprehensible nightmares

Today he was pretty clear on what his nightmares are about. Basically his resistance for basic discipline such as finishing his food, feet on the table and other basic necessities were playing out in his nightmare. The challenge is reframing  these restrictions as minor obstacles to goals. The discipline, coping mechanisms, and mnemonics I didn't have growing up and learned late in life is now for him.

running update

40 mins 2.5 incline or an incline of 25% more 5.2km nike 5km star Trac 5.5 fit bit. I felt I needed to put more effort on my knees and realized this must be the feeling of pushing it too hard. One part should not be too stressed in an action. More conscious  of my foot falls and landing on the balls of the foot. I put more weight on my right foot that I can feel the softness of the shoe but not so much with the left. Right is taking more of a beating. Today I felt weak like I've finally hit equilibrium. I tried to maintain my weight but dropped to 159. Maintaining 162 (end of day weight  ) Being able to see my abs says what is my percentage body fat. Need to do more upper body work out.

Running Update

5km treadmill 40minutes 5km on nike 2 incline 6km fitbit 12lbs rig (up by 2 from last week) Felt week and nerves on my legs running down. I have in my head that my shoes could be softer, so I'm thinking it should be softer. Also woke up at 4am, sleeping at 10pm less 6 hours of sleep. It's easier to rebuild once hitting ideal weight. Because once the habits and conditioning has been fully learned I can slowly increase. There is less loss aversion, the loss of satisfaction  from eating, allowing me to make more strategic decisions. Also I'll learned at what intake vs output is sustainable. Religious note taking helps a ton, because there are moments of confusion and dilemma that always need to sort out. It's only now I am really aware what happen to me when I etc since there are way less variables. My goal is recovery, I'll be using the term a lot because I realized the more aware I am of recovery I fit it in more efficiently  in my habits and how I do thi...