All of it stems from the ability to sleep early. I have terrible sleep efficiency. So I need the 8-9 hours needed because I dont hit REMS that reliably. I spend a lot of effort on self control that I have very little left for real productivity. if I want to do more in my day, the early morning of 4am is the best time. I wake up and take my time. I need to take my yogurt latte and a healthy breakfast (subway is not yet open), then I exercise first, doing uppers (dipps, push ups, and the punching bag), then I proceed to plan the day ahead with writing or blogging. I get into my documentation mode and start writing a lot and planning and reading up on things. By around 6:30 I try to wake up Niko, getting him ready for school. Ideally niko sleeps with me as early as 7am. so he gets also 9 hours of sleep where he wakes up in a really good and productive mood. Everything tends to be smooth saling from there. If I need to do an errand, I can head on over to where it should be and arrive ...