Running update, exercise
30 mins, 3.3km star trac, 4.7 Nike. 4.0 incline, 7kph for 3nike km. 5 min walk.
Will try to do a 6 interval hit. 4 minutes.
Eating quality determines how much body I can build.
Keep a simple algorithm. High complete Protien, incomplete Protien, and complex carbs.
Ver little in snacks. Look for other incomplete Protien snacks. Calculate fats to grams instead of calories. Exercise, health, running
1000 steps per 10 mins walk or 5 minutes run.
Will try to do a 6 interval hit. 4 minutes.
Eating quality determines how much body I can build.
Keep a simple algorithm. High complete Protien, incomplete Protien, and complex carbs.
Ver little in snacks. Look for other incomplete Protien snacks. Calculate fats to grams instead of calories. Exercise, health, running
1000 steps per 10 mins walk or 5 minutes run.
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