
Showing posts from September, 2014

running update

47 minutes 6km star trac , 5km with weighted vest 10lbs 6.6km fitbit 7.7km nike 1 incline up to 5km star trac right knee, left ankle feeling weak close to that chinese expat who insaw run 6k in 45 minutes. I did it with a weight3d vest. probably a year ago today.

odd things

Selling stuff I cant sell my stuff. too often I break them,  I use them till destroyed, I re purpose them, I experiment with them, and ive spent so much I cannot accept the loss if I sold it in market price.  I better fix my odesk profile after this gig with ryan and Eric.  Lolz ever since I started this habit I have now internalized it that I now actually chuckle at anything that surprises me - good, bad, crazy, stupid, or insulting,  or even being screwed.  I am grateful for this conditioning, life is that bad that when stupid shit makes me chuckle thats my only take away that's good. Succession work the iso is a way for me to master how the company does business. its moms succession plan. so I really have to devote more time to it. its most likely the only thing that would pay well for my below market value skills.  over my head constantly hangs: I was born with more money than most, as much as anyone with talent who realized it ...

running update

45 mins incline 2.0 half way through 7km nike 5.4 km star trac 6km fit bit right knee knees mostly I dropped the weight afteer 5km star trac 10lb weight

running update

41 mins 5km star trac 5.7 fot bit 6.7 nike incline 1.0/8.0 10lbs vest achievements best incline and vest performance

Upper Body Work out Update

So I could barely do 3 sets of Dips and Push ups with the 10lb Vest. lessons: I lost most of my gains so I'm kinda starting again.  Adding more chest weight is a great way to make the work out more intense quicker. Will see if I can add more weight once I hit my normal 5 reps of 20 of Dips and Push Ups in 1 hour.  Doing my punching work out with the weights also helps.  Being stuck behind the desk really hurt me, especially when it was so crowded I had very little room to do anything else. Gain 2lbs recently. Will take probably a week to lose if I keep on my work outs. 

niko update

niko had a nightmare at around 2:55am to 3:20am. he started screaming,  his diaper was full. he wanted water but he didnt want the bottle. he screamed about water, about the light and was hitting and flailing around. eventually he wanted to be naked and he had to drink my small water bottle I have for my medicine and times like these. he took forever to calm down. he was playing with his dong . eventually he allow us to put a diaper on him and clothes. still I got a thorough waking.

Niko Update

So after getting home, its no diaper and no shirt time (since he can get pee on his shirt). He is self conscious enough to want to go to the toilet. So we have a naked little boy running around the condo until he poops and pees himself. We tried Family Mart's Salted Caramel Soft Serve, which was pretty good. Niko though is just as impressed as any other ice cream. We have to do the book exercises while at home. He's a bit delayed in many of the skills despite what my mom says. He can now sleep in the nap break in the class. but sometimes he doesnt. He likes sleeping 9+ hours which is normal. We try to sleep by 8pm, but its a struggle to wake before 7am.

Running Update

45 minutes 5km star trac 6km nike and fitbit I was wearing a 10 lbs kit.

Objectification Dilemma

Objectification is a freaking complex issue that is now being tossed around and used in such an inquisitorial device like "Heresy". To ask for Due Dilligence is tantamount to arguing for the unpopular side - the Trolls and death / rape threaters. Which I fucking hate. So I failed my self control for curiosity and got creamed. Like 5e, it was a topic with sharp emotional notes and there is a strong knee jerk emotional reaction. One thing is being emotional about something and having bias, but it is another failing in Due Diligence or Due Process of argument and constructive listening and conversation. I am furious about the Crusading side because I got called out as a Troll for asking for the chain of conclusions one of the people in my feed posted. I asked him, why are the Trolls mad at Anita - and they say - because she's successful... WTF kinda answer is that. What freaking oversimplification is that - he basically dehumanized the opposition into a simple category...

Niko Update

Read the teachers report He's in Nursery He is now studying 8:30am to 3:30 pm. Napping in the middle and class hours are 9-11, and 1:30-3:30.  He does the lying down tantrum. We will resort to hitting his but hard enough to shock him.  We need to potty train him more intensively. He joins me to pee, even if he just pretends, and slowly getting the idea of "yucky water" and yucky things.  We need to give him more writing exercises He is playing less with our mobile apps and more with his toys.  He listens more, but its such at a slight improvement. My only measure is how mentally exhausted I am making him comply - I may be more or less tired, but less frustrated with him today.  Today in the walk to school he didn't want to hold my hand half the way. The park will be closed next week for 3 months. (Sept 8 to Nov 30). 

Running update

38 minutes 5km star trac, 6km at 0 incline 5.88 nike 5.3 fitbit Knees still feel weak. Back pain has minimized by a great degree. I think the bone density is catching up. Considering a simple hack of making a weight vest with my chest rig filled with small water bottles and wearing it as soon as I wake up and before bed. The idea is to make my non sleeping and working time have some exercise built in.

My PLDT 990 Plan Bandwidth Notes

1 Mbps is 125kbp or 0.125 M B it hits that average half the time.