Running update

43 minutes at 5km treadmill and 25% incline. I'm slept. Late at around 5am woke up at around 1030 but interrupted.

Felt inspired to draw and write. Looked at my old mahadlika Story board and got inspired. Will prep it for publication by February. Working with who ever is interested.
Will prep the story board for the whole female arch and half the male arch. Hopefully Thomas can work with me on the dialog and refinement.
In return I will edit and storyboard a collaborators work at the same pace.
Goal is raisng money for a drawing monitor tablet to speed up production time. This raising about 2000 USD (maybe credit card financing) for just myself that means I have to factor same monetary goals for my collaborators. Probably take a year of side jobs while working on this. Hopefully the price would have gone down.
I think I can make a storyboard at a pretty good rate part time. I will declare a slower posting time for my blog and just post sample art instead.
A completely open source studio with all my open source tools in the blog and shared.


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