Running update

Skipped a day. I was supposed to run yesterday but felt my legs need more healing.
My Endurance has improved
Nike running crashed again it didn't credit 9miles in total since the last crash and it keeps the crashing so I learned not to need it.
I am convinced the treadmill is in miles not kilometers. But I'll still call it km.
4:30 min walk a 0.3 km to start
Finished 4km in 28mins didn't break any records since I was able to do it in 26 last time.
5km at 38minutes the and 6miles in 53 minutes.
8.5 speed sustainable for 4minutrs before shinsplints kick in and I need to walk for a minute. I'll try running really fast in intervals up to 14 next time.
Of course this in ideal conditions with 23C aircon and not having to carry drinks.


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