Speed biz plans, proposals and agreements

I Am productive but very easily distracted. I basically made a planning method call fast biz plan, it's an exercise to list all the assumptions, challenges, opportunities and costs. The technique emphasized getting it out there, then editing after when new data formalizes the idea.
It's hard making plans by yourself, because there is no one challenging you. I guess that's my experience with being a GM, I can plan all I want but if it is not fun or there is no buy in from others it will not work.

So I get it all down, and in one furious and concentrated 45 mins I have one and a quarter page biz plan. Reading it keeps us all in the same page... And allows others to examine every idea and critique it.

We changed the way we do agreements for less and less I rethinking and left other details to be annexed and discussed. Simplifying the contract means having to have our list of assumptions and practices. I mostly updated that.

A guard stole about 54 monitors and 120 ram chips. We had a surprise inspection. That's disabling practically all our computers in storage. I really knew that these should be someplace else but lacked the budget to make a really secure storage room.


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