Studying Up on Labor; Personal Assistant
I want to hire a personal assistant, and I'm looking at the Laws and Taxes governing it. I found the basic daily cost. Its basically php426 a day. assuming 21.66 (52weeks/12mo. x 5working days a week) working days a month, that's around Php9,230 to 9,691 after 2012 inflation, rounded off to Php9,750.
Using the BIR calculator there is about Php333.3 due to SSS (deducted from the salary), Php666 contribution from me, the employer, Php195 Pag-ibig (Home Mutual Development Fund) and Php112.5Phil-Health, the person has to file BIR taxes of Php578. His/her take home is Php8,549.
As an employer I would be paying Php9750 and Php667 for SSS contribution. There may be more in terms of transportation (Php90* a day = Php1950), meal (1 meal a day, Php45 = Php975), and communication's allowance (Php 330 per month, unlimited to my no.). Now it totals about Php13,671.7. Where am i going to get that kind of money? I have to kill my personal allowance: my books purchases, airsoft, gass, etc... all for someone of dubious loyalty? hehehe oh well.
How do I file all these? Now realize how this system can use a lot of simplifying. Another niche of computerization we can possibly enter at work and how convoluted the tax system is.
Using the BIR calculator there is about Php333.3 due to SSS (deducted from the salary), Php666 contribution from me, the employer, Php195 Pag-ibig (Home Mutual Development Fund) and Php112.5Phil-Health, the person has to file BIR taxes of Php578. His/her take home is Php8,549.
As an employer I would be paying Php9750 and Php667 for SSS contribution. There may be more in terms of transportation (Php90* a day = Php1950), meal (1 meal a day, Php45 = Php975), and communication's allowance (Php 330 per month, unlimited to my no.). Now it totals about Php13,671.7. Where am i going to get that kind of money? I have to kill my personal allowance: my books purchases, airsoft, gass, etc... all for someone of dubious loyalty? hehehe oh well.
How do I file all these? Now realize how this system can use a lot of simplifying. Another niche of computerization we can possibly enter at work and how convoluted the tax system is.
The Personal Assistant will help me in a lot of things, particularly in bringing down the information barrier by doing some simple research, and helping me with tedious low productive work. Its also an education in the basics of being an employer and the nitty and gritty details with having to pay for help.
Assuming 25% savings rate, 40% for cost of living, 25% personal investment (training, skills, education, tools), I can have about 10% disposable income for fun stuff... of the 25% personal investment, the assistant would ideally be less than 1/3 to 1/5 of that. About 8.33-5% vs total take home pay. :( in that case I can't afford one for a while.
Php13,672 vs Php8,549 is 60% take home. ~Php4,000 is CoL, and ~Php1,500 taxes.
Php13,672 vs Php8,549 is 60% take home. ~Php4,000 is CoL, and ~Php1,500 taxes.
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