I learned a lot again

I learned a lot again

But i dont have time to write it down.

- campaigns are everything, once you have a captured market that is the only time you consider moving forward with cou ting the cost.

- innovations are only made AFTER you get back to the black. While in the red, you have no time to improve yourself or your system - which is different from correcting mistakes. In the red, you stop what your doing and do something SURE to get you back on the black. When your in the black, then you work on innovating.

Innovation is something you dont do when you're bleeding, because it gives you tunnel vision. It makes you expect something you have no idea WHEN it is going to come. When you stop bleeding, the innovations are given a time budget so that people can turn back and minimize losses.

- AGILE methodology is very different from what my mentor does, but more perfectly suited in the way my family does buisness. I'll document when i'm more free to write. As I get better, half of the time i free up should be spent in reflection, writing and study... Until diminishing returns set in.

Justin Aquino
Comfac Global Group Analyst
Amberbase Solutions Inc. Director
Globe mobile (632) 0917 593 4892
Smart mobile (632) 0920 922 1092
CGG office (632) 867 8301
ASI office (632) 491 7190
LibreOffice User

Sent from my iPad


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