Learning my own Habits outside my bubble while in HK

I only eat 1.5 meals a day. Now I'm eating 3-4 meals per day in HK I realized I killed my hunger with latte (both tea, coffee and coffee-tea). So I'm super bloating and I realize how I was able to keep my eating stable. Now I have to cut back to the old and work out again.

But this time  know what I'm trying to achieve. I need bring my glycogen to down through exercise, before my hunger cycle (2-3 hours). What I used to do is take my lattes where there would be meals and I avoided a very big hunger level. I would have a meal of sorts, maybe at night when its family time (not ideal but for social reasons). I also rationed through protein shakes. Of course the amount of lactose in my diet made me go regularly.

If I were to travel again, I have to maintain this ritual through cereal bars and canned coffee, and accessibility to the toilet.  I realize I have a limited endurance because of the need to pee and how hard it is to find a toilet in HK lolz. Building a schedule around it and those with me is how I'll design further travel.

Since I don't feel hungry, because of the caffeine, my problem is that I suddenly get a really bad head-ache.  To avoid this, I eat in cycles. My watch is very important for this. The head ache and the pain is a distraction that can lead to a very bad time or an accident.

Improving my Endurance

To improve my endurance I need strength! Thats funny but its true, the ironic relationship is that I need core strengthening exercise to allow me to keep standing beyond 2 hours straight and I can barely endure walking a total of 4 hours in a day before my back starts killing me.

So a friend suggests core exercises. I dont trust just any exercise video because there are a lot of poorly informed people with no scientific discipline. So I end up with my life hacker 8 minute workout. I have to work out every day, running in one day and doing the 8 minute work out over a few cycles until I hit the wall. 

Glycogen Puzzle

I need to bring down my Glycogen Levels everyday, every morning by doing activity that raises my Heart BPS 140+ for a long period of time... at least matching my running at about 30 mins to ideally 40 mins. I need to do push ups and core exercises alternating with my running muscle group. I have a day of rest, skipping both. I also need to stagger them

Sun-Airsoft Game, M-Rest, Tue-Running, Wed-Core, Thu-Running, Fri-Core, Sat-Rest/Running

Ritual Time Cost

I notice with the set up and all the little details, I end up eating 2-3 hours with 1 hour of exercise. I really need to get things done quickly and efficiently. I normally have to prep and take my protien shake and I need some things out of the way before I drink my latte right which is next. I cant take my latte very hot and need it to cool down, then I clean my dishes a bit. I also make sure everything is charged and I blog/document my results and performance.   


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