Having no choice

Having no choice
When it cmes to business, sadly we dont have a choice. I understand people dont have a choice at work, but in our situation things are different: in a venture even before the facts are in our father gives us no choice in the matter ( this includes my mother).

It dawned on me when i wrote about my gaming style. To me its a fantasy, an escape, to be in a world i can say no to a bad idea. In an rpg, saying no to the gm can stall or destroy the momentum of a game, my gaming style is what other gms call a sandbox, or what i'd prefer to call organic ( its alive without much need for the gm to take care of it),and is highly resilient at the trade off of having a greater prep cost.

So it is a big deal for me and when i play to have a choice, it doesnt meant the gm cant convince me to go this or that direction, its just that, i can weigh the facts and have that option to say no.

right now im in a point of my life that i know what i need to get what i want. I need to gain more certifications to earn a higher pay in my work. I need to get a six sigma belt, linux professional certification, understaning of some programs and tools, and several computerizatioj projects under my belt.

I know i have to be able to make 1m after taxes annually. I need to have skills and have projects that generate revenue at least >8% culmulative every year. if i want to have a greaterrange of freedome and choice, then i have to have greater financial independence.

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