Nice Guys should Learn more Economics and negotiation
I find how I talk now weird. I can be oddly specific and able to describe in much greater detail my thoughts. Sometimes I can narrate my process and how I formulate ideas. Its a level of introspection or intrapersonal understanding I have only recently noticed.
One of the things I committed to is building an IT team. A real team, where I invest a lot of my personal time and resources in the people I work with, even though I did not start out their friend or know them outside of work.
Its like Family, we really have little control over who we are with. In the case of work, we have the team that I only discovered when I got assigned in my new task. Following through the policy I share with my mother with work: Rehabilitate, Forgive, Give them the Benefit of the Doubt (until hard facts surface), and help them realize their full potential (allow them to follow the best career path in their self interest). Spending 10-12 hours at work, already puts me in a position to get to know people better and understand them. The strategy is really Tit-Tit-for-Tat (that says, fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again).
I know the whole argument that you are their leader/manager and you cannot fraternize with subordinates. I know why such is an important policy to respect, but the pursuit of Intelligence over-rides these concerns. I need to know my team, I need to know their degree of loyalty, competence, their own motivations and goals, and how best to utilize them in way that keeps us all happy and growing.
I AM a nice guy. I have invested heavily in good will and social capital. I have the right to ask probing questions and get some honest answers. I've shown I'm not heavy handed, that I fight for my team, and that I respect priorities of family and reasonable self interest. I know what I put in, and thats what has changed after all those lessons in economics, strategy, game theory, cognition and negotiation.
I know what I put in, and I've really invested a lot. Altruism does not equal Stupid, because Altruists won't let people abuse and destroy the surplus of common good generated by the hard work everyone have put in. Altruists defend that Common Good, with every ethical means in their disposal (without any self-defeating method).
I guess thats what all those lessons I took to be smarter was far, to realize the practicality of being good and decent and know what is at stake and how better to defend it.
I guess I feel optimistic today because many of the good will I invested paid off, especially in this time of the year where people are forced to remember the goodwill imparted to them. hopefully the optimism keeps up for a while.
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