[Daydreaming] the Adventure Vacation

will finish up some more. 

Just came from Tagaytay and I got to thinking about a daydream scenario of a Vacation Business. Particularly a themed vacation spot.

For the sake of the exercise, 65 ha farmland is worth Php60 or Php39M. Assume you make a down payment of 10% and payments for 10 years (automatically adjusted for inflation), thats php 350,000 per month.

Again lets use the Sulit.com for the approximate cost of Horses in the Philippines cost Php 45,000. Foals cost at about Php 15,000 (I know this from my notes after talking to a Baguio horse keeper).

Lets make the assumption that 2/3 of the land will be used on for pasture, hiking and "adventures". that means the area can support the population of up to 51 horses. Assume that at any one time there will be only as many as 20 vacationers who would want the cavalry man experience.

Buildings and Structures
  • Administration Building
    • 500sqm 2floor building completely furnished. admiin area looks like a 19C town square. the admin building has a church facade. (Php 600,000).  
  • Worker living areas.
    • 100 workers transient workers. Bunk houses of about 3sq per worker. 5 bunk houses, 2 floors of 60sqm each. Gender divided and modestly furnished. (Php300,000) 
  • Period Villas and Huts - the quality of the area is that people can shoot films in this as a "studio".  these Huts also have some functional roles as housing for some of the
    • 3 major estates set all farthest from each other in the area. Each major estate is about 500sqm 2 floor in the "Bahay na Bato" style. These are the "bases" for the various group. (Php400,000). 
    • Each major estate has several huts of 5sqm, 10sqm, 15sqm to represent specialists and special facilities that come part of a "village". (Php80,000 of materials, mostly labor drawn from the existing workers). As accommodations the 5sqm can house 2 ppl, 10sqm, 2ppl comfortably, 15sqm 5ppl. Each village estate can house and has enough toiletry facilities for 60 "campers". 
    • Major Landscaping, replanting large trees and several structures to give the illusion of old and well forested. (Php1.2M, 300k per each estate side)      
  • Logistics Construction needs: 
    • Workstations, Servers and Network infrastructure. (Php 400,000). Webserver, Video Server for the CCTV, Payroll Server, Network cabling and nodes for CCTV clusters.  
    • CCTV and Wifi points Cameras and cabling. 
    • 4 Water Towers (Php180,000)
    • Generator and Gen. set housing. Transformer, Hidden and power cables and telco cabling to each estate. (Php650,000)
    • Roads (created by the OSTractor)
    • Warehouse and Garage for supplies and vehicles (Php200,000)
    • Fencing (Php 600,000)
    • Biomass Treatment center and infrastructure to draw sewage towards that location. (Php200,000)
    • 3 L300 for employee transit and various work. Can fit 20 each. (Php180,000)
    • Minibus (Php 2M)
    • OpenSource Tractor (Php 400k)
    • 30x Horses (Php750,000)
Staff. Able to accommodate as many as 180 guests. everyone wears alot of hats and pitches in. webdesign and maintaining the database, developing company material, conducting CSR projects, etc.

  • Managing Director (30,000) 
  • Sales and Business Development (2-3x 20,000+ commission)
  • Head Chef and Baker (25,000)
  • Kitchen Staff (3x 15,000)
  • Head Gardener and Landscaper (25,000)
  • Chief Engineer (25,000)
  • Engineering staff (4x 15,000) 
  • General Housekeeping Staff (20x 12,000)
  • Stablemaster (Php25,000)
  • Finance Manager (Php25,000)
  • Financial Staff (18,000)
  • IT Tech support (20,000) 
  • IT staff (15,000)

Supplies and Equipment

Operating Costs

  • Water (250,000)
  • Electricity (200,000)
  • Payroll ()
  • Land Tax 
  • Business and Local Taxes
  • Internet (IPLC 2mbps)
  • Paying of Land ownership

My Daydream Vacation business scenario is the Cavalryman adventure. 19th Century or early 20th Century styled Villas and homes within the "village" will be built to house Adventure Vacationers. Basically the theme is "Cabaleros" or Cavalry men of the Spanish Philippine or early 20th Century Philippines. The gear and technology has not changed much then.


  • Core: Adventure Vacation 
  • Historical Lecture and Educational Vacation
  • Get Away Escape

Alternate revenues:
  • Studio for Period Shots. the place doubles as a studio in the low revenue season, shooting Period films and drama. There is enough space to accommodate shooting staff in both work area and logistics of the entire vacation estate. 
  • Merchandise 


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