Sick Again, Baby is Sick,

Sick Again, this time I got it from my son. What aggravated it is really the hours of my work. I work from after lunch, at around 1pm to around 12mn. I'm at the office from 1:30-2:30, but I'm already answering emails by around 10am.

This week, I left makati by 6 at the latest and headed to Libis, going through 2 hours of traffic. After 6, traffic is so bad along C5 from in front of Tiendesitas to the Dampa or Shopwise, where the traffic gets lighter. I spent approximately 50mins there, and its not even raining.

Its really the 10+ hours of work that gets me. I'm not built for it, and my dad is certainly not built for it. So its no surprise I'm not as well.

Leave for Baby
I took a sick leave for my son this friday. Its because we can't trust the nanny. There is so much superstition and poor ability to follow instructions that its aggravation. The don't think anything is happening unless the baby consumes medicine.

We went to the experts, both the emergency station and our Pedia. Its a relatively light fever. Panic does not help, what is worse is that it makes people self medicate without understanding what they are doing. They don't know what a paracetamol is for, they think it makes them better.

No, it doesnt work like that. it just makes the baby more comfortable to get well sooner, it indirectly helps the system. Abusing it can cause cause liver damage (I know this because of my hepa b and the precautions I have to make).

The nanny said (in filipino) "Go to Doctor X, he will prescribe medicine". Prescribing medicine does not make for a good doctor.

They tried to use a steamer and complained he was hot. I also observered the nanny would roughly shake the baby to sleep, instead of a gentle sway. I can hear my son's discomfort as he would be shaken to sleep and I could not raise my voice or upset the nanny because I don't know what she might just do.

The completion of the situation is that, if I make her defensive we may never know what she does to our son. We have to keep channels of communications open, forgive, and make sure that at-least we know what she is doing. When people are defensive they do terrible things.

This is stressing me and my wife out, so I decided to take one of the perks of my job, as the Child of the Owner, and get a leave to take care of my son. I understand anyone who is not as fortunate cannot so simply make that call, and would have to take a bad hit either option they choose.

Being Defensive in work.
I realized before, but only now I'm able to clearly verbalize it, that when someone is defensive they can do more harm than good. When make someone defensive, then it becomes adversarial in a way that may not be helpful to the situation.

We ease our concerns onto people, we give them the benefit of the doubt. We talk to them face to face and look carefully at their actions.

Because at its root, defensiveness is fear. Fear with an instinctive self-preservation priority that makes everything, especially reason lose focus.

As the Child of the Owner it may not mean much since I can get away with more things than regular people, but if you look closely with our business, there were many instances of great forgiveness when contrition was clearly evident and amends were made.

Voiced my lack of trust with my Father.
My father is letting a Client screw our company from behind. He listens to this guy more his own people, whose interests are strongly tied to his. He gets fooled a lot by scammers, from priests to business people.

I get really stressed out by his bumbling that I can't look at him straight without thinking of what he's done. How despite the praises his steeped about my "morality" he cannot trust my judgement. I make mistakes as often as any adult, and I have the coginitive studies to prove it, yet my father has less trust in my judgement and my intention than those who would try to scam him.

When that Client is spoken about, it pains me how my father threw all my efforts away and ruined what ever leverage we had to get a fair deal. We did accounting of the deal and we are at a loss, it was a bad deal. We were screwed and he was lied to, and he will never see the report and will never listen to reason.

My son is a useful default topic, because anything else might be tinged with the regret and disappointment I feel.

Funny, I'm not trying to steal anything or swindle my dad of anything. Its my mom who showers us with riches, I just wanted him not make my job all the more harder by going rogue. It wasn't my toes he was stepping on, but also my boss's and everyone else. :(


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