So Much Work to do, this is getting old.

I'm exhausted. I feel mentally fatigued and I'm at the end of my wits. Around this time I should be "reformating" my brain drive and writing down everything I experience and reflecting on all of it, while formulating a "best practice" a better way to approach events.

I realized it was an intense effort of fire-fighting since Feb and now I'm exhausted. All those long hours, me with my slightly poorer than average health is showing. HT9 is HT9.

Since I'm not that smart and can't really learn like some genius in those stories, I need to document and take a step back to look at everything.

Passing the Buck. Difficult tenants tend to Pass the Buck a lot. Basically to skimp on costs they require us to do the proposals and reports they would otherwise should be doing. Of course, there are no consequences for us no to do the report, so we are inclined to drag our feet. If they want it done ASAP they better do it themselves or hire someone to do it.

What is bad with this is that, its "crying wolf", because of this kind of manner of doing business we ask them to document everything slowing down all response time to a crawl. We are more cautious when dealing with such people and take our time when we can.

Writing Again. I plan to write again, but first I had to fix my Paragraph styling in LibreOffice. I had to document all my changes as well. I found headings very useful, especially since they tend to automate table of contents and indexes.

Researching Again. One Spreadsheet to Rule them All! I realized a puzzle worth trying to solve. One spreadsheet that can allow a World Builder to Populate his/her whole setting world is such detail, as well as a manual to use it and a system to detail and track all the regions, they produce, imports, expenses and status.

Each Sheet allows the World Builder to details the income, expenses and assets of : Household, Village, Manor, Town, City, Capital, Squad, Company, Band, Battalion, Division, Army.

Right now I'm learning LibreOffice Writer and Spreadsheet. It takes time to learn all of this. One useful thing I can get out of this is learning to present and make sense of metrics in the future. In my current readings it seems that I will need to to learn more about Base and Writer.


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