Idealists in Business

Idealists in Business

I sat in a meeting where the business proposition sounded very Idealistic. It had all the key words: relationships, uplifting people, mutual growth etc...

If you know me, I sound like that... but I talk to people who really know me about things like that. I don't talk to people who don't know me that well. The Idealistic Spiel is a business move and practice.

An indicator of how a person is really idealistic and altruistic is how conservative and how very down to earth the expectations they provide. They don't say much of anything useful, in fact they sound like a dead end.
It appears like they have more to say but they don't say anything till what should happen happens.

Now that kind a person is Idealistic for sticking to a path few tread, their honor and image of themselves as not being tainted by the "game".

Exaggeration is a way to get people moving, unfortunately it slips to easily like a lie. I like using the Framing Technique, where I point out something using a cognitive bias or borderline fallacy to sell it. Some use swords, others axes or spears. We all have our preferred weapons, and alls fair in my opinion.

Wisdom of Crowds and my management lessons have made me paranoid of how good people are from detecting bullshit and exagerations. So I play with the Framing Cards, fortunately for me in Cognitive Biases really show how gray the word can be.

Looking for something to Listen to.

I wish I had time to write and have my own Filipino History or Game in the Brain Podcast. A commentary about Philippine history using some solid sources.

I cant think of anything to listen to, except The Teaching Company lessons.


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