More Experience with B$#!^

I now record all my meetings as part of my basic protocol and the fact that philippine law allows me and it can be used as evidence.

I don't know these people personally, but having the recording and my memory of the flow of conversation sort out all the inconsistencies and see the fallacies and arguments more clearly.

This is the guy who kept the list of fallacies and baises and used as any person would sacred scripture when assessing their own thoughts. Looking at my own biases not only makes the biases of other clearer but clear enough that I would be able to guess the motives (if intentional or unintentional, based on how much knowledge the person would have of the circumstance).

The conversation plays back to me and the line of reasoning gets glaringly clearer, my mind doesn't want to go there.

Fact: even skilled liars cant get fact straight in a conversation that runs more than 30mins.
Fact: You only have means of defense if you have all the things they have said in a handy accessible medium. In a fresh conversation you don't have ammo until it ended and you recorded it.
Fact: No one likes their lies/inconsistencies pointed out and defensive tactics will be employed: redirection and rewording of the argument (classic troll tactic... in a business call is so unprofessional). - all you can say is this is our position and take it or leave it. Even then they cry foul.
Fact: Even if you have all the arguments, all the facts, when the other side has stollen the money because of the tons of consequences there are more likely to dig a deeper grave (sunk cost effect).

To bid for peace, make ready for war. Sun Tsu

The fact that our opposite is a sex offender (rapist) makes it much more easy to get him banned from the country. He will have to go to other emerging markets for their cheap labor. As for his business partner,

They may have gotten away stealing more than half a million dollars of months of service rendered because of the litigation that will take forever to get that money back but they burned this bridge and their hopes of ever using Philippine labor.

We have to work much harder to fix that loss. Bad guys get money and we just got a fairly more immaterial retribution. The US is still big and they have possibly a lot they can do with the 4 months of operational cost of a 200-agent campaign. They can use the money to start up in India, Vietnam, etc.

X has contract with the broker Y.
Y has a management contract with Us.
Y doesn't want to pay Us because he wants a piece of a settlement we got from former client, which is not as much as a settlement but a payment for us to take on risk because they are under a class suit.
Y said it clearly in one of the recordings, he is denying the money of 2 other campaigns till we hand over that money... in the form of travel offsets with no receipts worth $250k in the philippines for 2 weeks. Yes they blew Php12M and have to produce receipts amounting to that much (hence their failure to produce evidence of such expenses).
X and Y are in cahoots because X just want their services rendered EVEN if our contract is not with them but Y. Y broke the contract the instant they stopped paying. They should be bitching and wining to Y, not us. Heck they can go to court in the US and they don't have a leg to stand on. So instead of helping us out, they shift the blame to us and not their broker. (understandable because their Bosses are going to grill their asses for getting into such a deal)
And the Broker Y, wouldn't want the US gov involved when they try to justify $250k.

These kind of people can be avoided with due dilligence. I just moved into the scene recently (april). It is quite easy to make a better contract, it takes as much effort as Rules Tweaking and hours of the company lawyer retainer.

If X really wanted operations to continue, all the had to say in writing is that the money was intended for us and Y could be sued for Stealing. The solution could have been that simple. The legal pressure to apply was to their broker, the person they had a contract with and not us.

IF we are lucky it escalates to their bosses. They will lose their jobs for getting to this mess, and Y will be forced to pony up. Given how their are these kind of people, they wont report this shit to their bosses and they will only feel the hit when performance goes down and affects their revenue. Once the damage is done they have grounds to terminate their contract with Y and we can make peace long enough to go our separate ways when this is all over.


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