I hate Itunes: Makes my tablet PC experience harder

I hate Itunes. It is the most miserable part of my tablet computer experience. I cannot just dump my PDFs (mostly stuff from Wikipedia I converted to PDF, my gaming magazine subscription I converted to PDFs, and my Gaming Books) There is all these syncing that annoys me.

I'm too cheap to buy from the Itunes store. All I am ok with are the free stuff. I want to migrate to Android, especially since I'm a Google and Ubuntu guy. Oh yeah, and Itunes is NOT compatible with my Ubuntu. its like Mac: "If you use Ubuntu, you are too poor to afford an IPAD anyway".

Well fuck you Mac and your Ishit. Thanks for getting the ball rolling for the Iphone and Ipad, but we Open standards will take it from here. Fuck you and your restrictive, productivity SUCKING barriers.


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