Education also means nlearning to know what you want

Education and munchkinism
It seems I'm back to appreciating education again. In my research regarding the training of soldiers, I wanted to learn the behavioral and mental economics that went into creating one. Before getting into it, I had to look back at my high school and college education. I used the US and Phil system. Tried to look at the assumptions and work away from the biases towards a more objective appreciation. 

Combining the data in a google docs paper I was working on for also game purposes I am remarkably surprised at how educational and strange this was. Anyway the meat of it was really how mindset was about gaming. In a game we take toys and we play with them. In this case we take tools and build things. 

Understanding education at a level of play and trying to optimize the choices based on the rules of the game (real life) and at least satisfying a short term goal (fun). 

When I was looking at high school, play was an important part of intelligence. When I learned about babies and cognition in my other lectures, I realize the play "requirement" was a challenge factor in the game of education. You have to both min-max both study, play, socialization and family. Now teaching a kind to max out these priorities is the fast test way to instill learning to know what they want in life. 

The game environment is needed because it helped me ask myself: what do I need to be able to do this? I didn't know this was also a technique in learning where you scan much faster when you know what you are looking for, even if it creates a kind of bias. 

From that trick of having something to look for when scanning a document, to knowing what you want to achieve, in didn't really appreciate the intuitive aspect of it till now. It's like knowing what you want, is half the challenge of being happy. I didn't know this kind of selfish virtue was so important to simply be moving.

Oh and today I hung out with my old gaming buddies. I have enough people to play with in airsoft intranet team game.


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