I'm sick today, FF meet up, Work

Being sick. Not really a fever more of that weakness, some odd but familiar feelings, and that feeling at the back of my throat.

The biggest evidence of me being sick is my performance at the morning exercise. I can't breath efficiently. I really am noticing that I'm not unable to breathe fast enough so I get tired to easily. Normally my first run is 6mins at 8kph (100% my starting heart rate at 148bpm). Now I could barely maintain that speed in 2 mins. I could really feel the trouble breathing, as though my lungs can't hold enough air and that I can't make myself breathe faster.

I worked on it, resting and running till I found a speed where I could sustain the 6minutes at 6.5kph (at 140-150bpm). The indicators are very effective, and I hope its not just experimenters bias.

Been a while since I Joined an FF Meet up. A lot has changed, and strangely some topics were very familiar. Its quite enjoyable to participate in an FF meet up. Especially seeing people who's read the same books and have thought about the same things as seriously as myself.

Its not about Intellectual elitism, as an FF detractor would put it, but Intellectual vigilance and hard work. I like seeing and meeting people who want to really examine topics up close and have put significant effort in learning.

thats what so weird about learning new stuff, the information makes you alien to people who has not read the same. As information affects decisions and embedded context, so does it affect how we behave and perceive things.

It boils down to people who have more in common with me. That is always comforting, and also it is something quite natural in how we grow and change.

I may feel sick but I'm at work. I'm developing a technological product and service that can potentially be unique. Strangely it is a result of understanding the technology and actually going as far as to learn the science and the technological principles... being a total nerd and geek.

I have to meet with an engineer to see what the market is up to, and what I may possibly need. I also have to do some accounting how much this endeavor will cost, I also need someone to document the trial in order not to back down this route or to milk it for all the intelligence it will generate from the experiment.

Seeing some Friends. Too bad I can't access social networking cites, I would have asked Chemikazi and Mawf to meet up over dinner, talk and catch up. I'll have to juggle that along with the ton of other responsibilities and tasks I have to keep in the air. Oh well.


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