So Many projects, i gotta write it down.
Of course many are speculative, trying to see if they will work. Other than that I do have some real project also.
Speculative - WW2 Gun Replicas . I can't say owning a factor is an everyman experience, but one can relate with anyone who owns his own business. Down time for a factor sucks because it still has the same operating expense, despite lower productivity.
I know a WW2 airsofter who can make custom made replicas, and the engineers at the plant loved poking and the possibilities we can do with replica airsoft guns. So I am asking if they, the ww2 replica making hobbyist, is interested in making airsoft replicas of guns that are not in the market but have an incredible Collectors value.
If this works out, we can have a down time project that can possibly earn a few million pesos. The idea is to make a limited edition and STEEL replica. Not Crappy ZAMAC (zinc aluminum alloy) that could crumble but STEEL that can take a lot of punishment.
Speculative - WW2 Aggregate Supplier Site. I like WW2 fashion, particularly the Tunic and I'm interested in making the suppliers assemble a cooperative and under one person who can manage and aggregate the orders in order to create High Value (and ideally low cost) complete package sets to be shipped aboard or for local collectors.

One possible avenue is to offer military fashion tunics as a Local Brand or the WW2 group's own brand. Also a place for costumes product to be outsourced.
Speculative but In Progress - Fallacies and Biases pocket book. NO such book in amazon or online, I wanted one for myself to keep... in my pocket to reflect with. So in the end I asked around for anyone who wants to do it, and Pinoy Atheist said he's intersted, he is going to make on in the vernacular.
In return I provide the Publishing Company, Printers, and the framework to make it perpetually money making. A company that producers Critical Thinking material in Vernacular and for Later Education based on the Philippines lack of Later education resources (8 years average education). I have the school contacts, critical thinking groups, and people who can make this possible as well as the accounting for projections, I have the IT infrastructure to create its own selling mechanism and have the means to sell it to local bookstores and distributors.
The idea is to make a company that can provide much needed later education at a cost that is very cheap and partially funded by corporation who need the company to train their sales force and personnel.
(classified project) - Suffice to say I'm not much a part of this one, as much as a facilitator and come into play as part of training. It synergistic with alot of our companies special "financial" abilities and products, as well as providing much needed IT infrastructure for places that really need it at prices and financing they can very much afford.
Not speculative, but in a month or so Sales Training and Management. My new job title is Sales Manager, and I will be in charge of training and managing sales personnel. I will be using all of the things I learned, outside of school but through my personal interest, to develop key communications, coping, and problem solving skills, as well develop a career progress system.
Not Speculative, matter of time Philippine Tourism IT infrastructure. We provide SAS (Software as a Service) for local govt. for land taxes, business licences and registration, and BIR compliance, now we are offering Booking, Search Optimization, Web Presence, Bed&Breakfast guidelines and business consulting, Standards and Practices for Hospitality, Tourist Hotline (for information, booking, and assistance; A BPO is part of our group of companies), and develop IT infrastructure for out of the way places.
Current Airsoft Milsim Events. Yes, our team is evolving to develop this and run this with Foreign Airsoft team regularly. With our Tourism IT and Infrastructure resources, we can do this like NO ONE CAN! My dad is on board with this, and the man can draw a lot of contacts to make this work and we plan to find a way for several towns to lease the use of their idle land for these massive events. 1 hectar per 20 participants.
A Project I wish I can pull off.
Horsies, a Tourism Circuit Special- I wish I can make provincial and out of the way tourism profitable and sustainable through the use of horses as the means to add special character and ambiance to the experience. Basically the most out of the way provinces are toured vial Horseback following the Transportation logistics in Small Wars manual.
Visiting hard to get to places, like in the Cold and untouched parts of the Mountain Province, impossibly hard to get to lakes and water falls. A completely untouched and unspoilt part of the Philippines. SAFELY.
Tourists are given special ration way points where they can feed their horses, probably dropped off by helicopter. The horses provide much needed labor at the same time, a way to genuinely appreciate the animal... for animal or horse lovers, like myself.
The tourist circuit will allow for Mountain Ponies to be owned by groups of mountaineers or locals, and help subsidize the cost through the tourist revenue. Ideally this is a kind of backpackers tour, its supposed to fit in with the backpacker's daily budget. Of course its a bit rough and difficult, not for just any cheap tourist, but the tough ones who can do the hike.
Its going to be a 5 day hike along a line that goes into an area, and exit to civilized area.
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