Not Checking the FF forums; the World is Simple - NOT

I'm in the middle of a debate and I don't want it to derail my current responsibilities. I've been recently given more work, although according to my mom I can ease into it. Now given the limited resources of time I have I thought maybe I should not get into this debate since it robs me of 2-3 hours researching and double checking my answers.

It can be annoying when an opponent is in denial instead of providing a reasonable answer. In fact my job should be easy since, he has to provide proof BUT these people who think the world is as simple as they think it is, never understands what it takes to come with accountable answers.

Dealing with money and entrepreneurship I'm supposed to provide proof. Gone are the days of my dad who just has to keep taking risks on till they hit it big. The game has escalated and an advantage can be lost instantaneously. So I hit the books and study the science, the report on reality is not good: ITS NOT EASY.

This is something I find completely escaping my opponent and those who think they've got the world pegged and are content to assume that the world won't change. It reminds me of the Uncomfortable Thruthasaurus


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