Fitness and the Passions
First, fitness. I've been reading up on heart rate. If you've seen my game in the brain blog, I've come to realize how usefull it is a tool. So much so that I've come to think maybe I can do a personal experiment.
There are a lot of promises I'm making to myself when I become a father. One is to be patient and learn to explain everything I know, instead of lying, making stuff up or ignoring such questions. Blind authority is not the parenting style I want, legitimacy by understanding what my role as a father is and fulfilling it is what I'm going to try to do. Basically very essentialist Confucian: reciprocative system.
The experiment:Observe my heart rate in my daily activities, taking note how I feel and my condition.
It is a simple enough experiment, getting to know myself has become the overall theme of this week's research. Carefull observations and understanding of how fatigue and energy levels work, and how to simulate or replicate it in a Game Model, particularly using GURPS 4e.
Revelations about my Workout.
First. If I am to do +60% BPM at rest, "fat burning mode" then exercise should be EVERYDAY. I need to lose weight to help my breathing, my sleep apnea particularly. I have to get my weight under control and lose about 25lbs to hit my ideal weight: 150lbs.
Now FAT burning mode is a very slow way to lose weight. Eating up calories requires more muscle, and to gain muscle I need to burn muscle. I figured out that the +80% BPM is the unsustainable performance level, only when done everyday. Every OTHER day, it is a muscle building tool. The context with Heart Rate and "Burning Muscle" is about the opportunity to recover.
In the end, the Mixed resistance, where I push +60% to +80% back and forth is the ideal and can be sustained everyday. Its just a careful awareness of one's condition. Strengthening or Weakening is what one should look for, and having the right tools and critical eye helps.
Irrationalities that Help. my naive and Idealistic programing (aka upbringing) can be re-aligned towards my soldiering Ideal. Being part of a team helps in adding more motivations. The last few times I worked out, the thought of performing well in a game was what was sustaining me.
I know the problem of liking Airsoft and Milsim a little too much can be expensive, but with my new job hopefully I garner a Net bonus and things even out.
I hope that I can reach 10-12km in 45mins, everyday except sunday. If I can reach that, then I can work on Core muscle strength so that I can perform at +60-80% BPM for 4 hours or so on the week end.
Self Programing.
I have "the Passions: Philosophy and the Intelligence of Emotions" by Professor Solomon. Another lecture on Cognition, focusing on Emotional Intelligence. My previous reading on the matter is from one of Paul Ekman's books and EI for Dummies.
I've come a long way and with my wife pregnant with our boy, I'm looking forward to fatherhood. In repairing all the things I wish my parents could have done, and hopefully trying to balance things better than they did when I was growing up. Even with hard times, I hope our boy can figure things out on his own.
There are a lot of promises I'm making to myself when I become a father. One is to be patient and learn to explain everything I know, instead of lying, making stuff up or ignoring such questions. Blind authority is not the parenting style I want, legitimacy by understanding what my role as a father is and fulfilling it is what I'm going to try to do. Basically very essentialist Confucian: reciprocative system.
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