N. Korea warns Seoul to cancel military drill - World news - Asia-Pacific - North Korea - msnbc.com
N. Korea warns Seoul to cancel military drill - World news - Asia-Pacific - North Korea - msnbc.com
...Or what!
You can only exact so much out of threat, hopefully NK is not as versed as Neuman Game Theory. They know they can hurt the US, SK and Japan but they must know will fall so fast their head will spin. NK is only thinking of themselves, most likely they have the gun pointed at Seoul and maximize horror.
If you have the gun pointed at someone, you may need to check if they think your going to pull it anyway... because if it looks like NK will anyway. SK will be more motivated for a uber hurting pre-emptive strike, what gets to their mind is that they want this to end as quickly as possible.
Dun DUN DUN!!! That military drill is not a drill, its an excuse to have a TON of force in place. Once intelligence confirms NK is "crazy", then its going to be "On like Donkey Kong."
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