Emotions are Organizing?
Finished my Origins of the Mind lecture and I'm beginning with reading Emotions Revealed by Paul Ekman. One new thing I've learned is that emotions are organizing.
Its only lately I've come to understand better what emotions means when i consider the coping and emotional intelligence skills featured in the books I'm reading.
The way I can best describe what i've learned is that, think of emotions as a motivator for a particular action. Anger is for Aggression and Action, while signaling warning to others; Sadness and Depression are for conservation of resources, as well signaling for others to provide comfort; Joy is motivation for sharing what is abundant, communicating a source of positivity or resources.
So, getting back to explaining what emotions are for, they are motivating and allows us to fulfill the objective we are conditioned or rationalized to execute or implement. An angry parent is more capable of fighting ferociously to protect its young; someone who has experienced loss can value what they have (people or resources) more and survive a dry-spell with fewer resources. Fear allows us to run and maximize our fight and flight response.
I've been learning that our emotional responses are not set in stone. In the subfields of cognitive science, Framing, Expectations, Placebo effects etc that changes and manipulate our emotional state and moods. As we grow older we learn to frame situations and experiences more constructively for ourselves.
To shed more life on this study, my mother and I both share a very strong anxiety problem. We get panic attacks. I later on learn, fear actually creates more violent behavior as part of a insecurity complex. So, I can be very violent in response, I almost got into a fist fight with a police man when he tried to extort my wife for a wrongful ticket. Same goes with the ease of my to go berserk when I was younger and ignore pain and consequences.
Older and , hopefully, Wiser now, I hope to learn the skills to help me manage my emotions to make for a more successful application of my abilities with regard to the diminishing physical and mental abilities that come with age.
Lie Detection. Lie detection is ONE skill, another skill that is just as important is the ability to ferret out the lie for a larger audience or hard proof or evidence of the lie. This is a skill I'm learning and improving in, as I pursue trolls and assholes in the forums.
A friend pointed out I was "micro-managing" the forums when I ferret out these people, but my emotional motive to master bullshit detection is overwhelming my better judgement at times. Right now, BS does stun me quite a bit. Flagrant lying and narsacissm has a tendency to activate my conditioned response: anger, which is replacing my previous response of fear and panic. When dealing with people who lie that much, especially in important matters Anger is the best response. Rally all resources under your command, your mental faculties and wit to a razor edge and unleash it in devastating blows.
Fear was a proper response to Conmen in the Philippine or Asian, non-confrontational context but as you get older you will have loved ones and charges of one's own, and fear as a response will not protect them. Like the example above, anger helps one more savagely/ferociously protect those we care about.
As emotional as I can be, or anyone for that matter, conditioning tactical responses helps us unleash our energies with precision and with as little collateral damage. Alway use the weaker attack, then overwhelm with a more damning attack when the weaker one makes the threat overconfident and brings out most of his resources. Conditioning myself to do such quick feints, while my mental resources are tied up in the execution for devastating effect.
Of course I should learn to program a more sophisticated response for various situations. Anger is resource exhaustive, and I take fatigue quite badly, losing alot of productive hours/days.
I drew from the following sources:
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