
Showing posts from November, 2010


Press Release: RH BILL ADVOCATES CHALLENGE THE CBCP IN EXCOMMUNICATION PARTY | Filipino Freethinkers I'll be in this party as part of security. Dealing with Religious fanatics, I'm not surprised there is anything below them or they are capable of doing. I know I should take care, I have my first aid kit in my bag and my wits with me. Hope people can enjoy and people show they are not afraid of the church.

Emotions are Organizing?

Finished my Origins of the Mind lecture and I'm beginning with reading Emotions Revealed by Paul Ekman. One new thing I've learned is that emotions are organizing . Its only lately I've come to understand better what emotions means when i consider the coping and emotional intelligence skills featured in the books I'm reading. The way I can best describe what i've learned is that, think of emotions as a motivator for a particular action. Anger is for Aggression and Action, while signaling warning to others; Sadness and Depression are for conservation of resources, as well signaling for others to provide comfort; Joy is motivation for sharing what is abundant, communicating a source of positivity or resources. So, getting back to explaining what emotions are for, they are motivating and allows us to fulfill the objective we are conditioned or rationalized to execute or implement. An angry parent is more capable of fighting ferociously to protect its young; someone ...

Leaf, Nissan Says, Gets Equivalent of 99 M.P.G. -

Leaf, Nissan Says, Gets Equivalent of 99 M.P.G. - Why not just have the onboard computer, which is wifi capable and standard in most cars, calculate the ranges and costs for the driver/user? There is a free Map Services to plug in Distance, There is some kind of traffic pattern database , There is weather forecasts there is a update on costs of gas. Can't there be one to calculate and coordinate all these data in the car to give the current Cost to Range Calculation of the drivers? Information that gives the more decision making when to gas/power up, where and what routes to take? I'm sure someone is working on it now, but it takes the big movers to get it into gear. If GM does it for the volt, it may speed up their EPA processing. If nissan does this with the Leaf, before GM does it for the volt, it will cement their lead. As a personal preference, having all my trips and gas consumption calculated for me (which i do when I can remember to check), is something I...

I'm Troll Bait

It seems that I have a habit of attracting the forum trolls. I guess its harder to control the urge to call out someone's BS online than it is in real life. I admit that when I see it at work, I just clam up. I guess that explains why I'm trigger happy when I a someone may be lying. Anyway, I'm an Ekman fan now. I'm reading/listening to lectures on cognitive science, specifically the human mind, learning and all that jazz. My favorite topic to read about is being able to detect deception and motives. Strangely caring more about how people are thinking and what they want is becoming a very successful strategy for me these days. I just finished the Birthday Giftcheck today with the purchase of Emotions Revealed, Second Edition: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life [Paperback] . My other readings seem to be prepping me for an adventure into BS detection. Its not so much preventing from being fooled, but specializing at it since it ...

Now its Blame Shifting

Bernanke to Address China’s Currency Policy - WASHINGTON — Ben S. Bernanke , the Federal Reserve chairman, plans to argue Friday that currency undervaluation by China and other emerging markets is at the root of “persistent imbalances” in trade that “represent a growing financial and economic risk.” Ok now this is blame shifting. China and the rest of "us" emerging markets are not after screwing the US, we are taking a really bad hit when the US one of our KEY markets loses buying power. China needs the US, it won't be voluntarily bringing it down, especially when they have so much debt that may go bad if the US gets worse. Although Asking for an arm and a leg from China and all the other emerging market countries is not only a slap in the face for a team players but hypocritical when each economies is only expected to look out for number 1. This kind of blame throwing basically makes it harder for China and other countries to HELP out. If they help out the...

Winning the LOTTO, an attachment trap

Any attachment creates an irrationality that is tied to loss aversion. Lotto and entertaining the possibility is one such kind of trap. Yes, I bought a Lotto ticket. The prize is Php400 Million. I guess mathematically having a ticket gives me an "infinity" better chance of winning the prize, but every succeeding ticket is such a small chance of winning its pointless. So I got a Random Number Generation made by the Lotto Machine. I learned its called LP or Quick Play in the US. The fantasies that come up given the possibility has a host of irrationalities. Strange is that I have to be aware of the numbers i have to check if I won while trying not to entertain those thoughts too much that I'd feel bad and a viscous cycle ensues. But since is my blog I will list what I would love to do. Split it up and budget it. Invest in full time lessons in Mandarin and travelling China. Get an assistant to go around china with me and help me with the foot work in following up leads and ...

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Overwhelming Odds

It makes me miss my bros. usually a game this good, we would be watching one of us finish and play it. Sometimes we play coop, ideally. My criticisms of the game are... The amount of people I'm fighting are incredibly unrealistic. The computer can see me far faster than I can see my enemies But I do admit it was overwhelmingly fun. It was frustrating because, I'm fighting 1:3-5 people at a time. The trigger happiness of the game play was giving me over-stimulation flashes making me harder to sleep. in Airsoft, 10-20% force difference is already a big deal. So it is the same in real warfare and my books. It can make someone overestimate their abilities, which is a Very Very dangerous thing in Airsoft, Milsim, or real combat. Overwhelming Odds . Its not that I don't want people to be ambitious, but overwhelming odds are not meant to be challenged directly. Sure they make good stories, but when one gets into the habit of using brute force and direct and decisive confrontations...