Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Overwhelming Odds

It makes me miss my bros. usually a game this good, we would be watching one of us finish and play it. Sometimes we play coop, ideally.

My criticisms of the game are...
The amount of people I'm fighting are incredibly unrealistic.
The computer can see me far faster than I can see my enemies

But I do admit it was overwhelmingly fun. It was frustrating because, I'm fighting 1:3-5 people at a time. The trigger happiness of the game play was giving me over-stimulation flashes making me harder to sleep.

in Airsoft, 10-20% force difference is already a big deal. So it is the same in real warfare and my books. It can make someone overestimate their abilities, which is a Very Very dangerous thing in Airsoft, Milsim, or real combat.

Overwhelming Odds. Its not that I don't want people to be ambitious, but overwhelming odds are not meant to be challenged directly. Sure they make good stories, but when one gets into the habit of using brute force and direct and decisive confrontations in such odds, the stand to lose more than that just whats on the line. Failing yourself changes you, the energy and enthusiasm needed to enjoy life can be compromised.

"Never get into a decisive battle with yourself, always fight the shadowing/small fights" - me

Never underestimate the capacity of screwing yourself royally. Always hedge against your weaknesses. its better to lose small fights against yourself, you lose less, learn work a better strategy next time, but to lose so BIG that you can't afford to fail leads to a change of character people cannot escape from.

One of the interesting things about cognitive Studies is that I learned what we think we are capable of and our Honesty affects us so much, because even subconsciously we seek consistency. If we act like an ass enough, we escalate to being more of an ass. Especially when goals are hindered by personal barriers.

As irrational honesty is or thinking one's self as honest, we can have worse priorities or self-labels. In Art of Critical Decision making by Prof. M. Roberto, Lecture 16: Achieving Closure through Small Wins............................................................. 38 is one of my favorite.

That small part of myself or anyone. That very small part that organizes, uses diplomacy, thinks things through, tries to meet people halfway, etc. That small part is too small to fight Big Battles.

Note that it can't get big, the bigger it gets the less pleasure you get out of irrationalities in life.


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