Man Up, Risks of Doing what is Fair

I guess I really do have to grow a pair and a spine when organization is thrown out the window for whims and cover ups.

Its not a matter of what is right, it is a matter of what is fair. No matter how right you may feel you are, if it appears unfair then it doesn't matter. Righteousness is the banner of zealots and fanatics. Fairness is something else, its something to be discussed and scrutinized.

Procedural Justice and Social Norms are what keeps an organization oiled and running. It smoothen out rough edges and gets people to invest far greater than its market value. The problem of these "perks" or "aspects"is that implementation's a bitch.

Implementations of fairness means dealing with the Inherent subjectivity and relatively of many autonomous and independent minds. How can we really be objective when we have subjective filters we cannot be aware of. This requires diplomacy, and I've come to realize every day that diplomacy is a matter of mastering irrationality, particularly the subtle of human interaction.

I'm not a skilled diplomat. I'm studied about it through my curiosity and I'm very aware of its subtleties in my day to day... its just that I'm of a fragile psyche that risks are far more detrimental to me than I wish them to be.

Seriously, I've been enough arguments to know that will power is not enough for you to get over the attacks. Coping skills only serve to distract, delay and forget, but never as to subdue the source of anxiety.

That requires a very experienced life in taking words to action. There is a measure of impulsiveness that comes with this kind of persona. I'm mostly average but schooled and do well enough in things I'm very experienced with (like anyone).

Growing a pair and a spine, means having something more than just words when diplomacy begins to extend to serious and detrimental action.


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