Have to Wake up Early
Spent the Day at hope, supposedly caring for my wife. Cooked a Lasagna which was a lot of work. We cooked too many noodles so we have eat that for later. Anyway it was a success. My stores of bacon fat came handy when the ground meat was waterlogged when I was thawing it. Although because of the water, oil spatter was a problem in cooking the beef.
This time the beefy smell wasn't so bad. I really have to take some time to cook out that raw-beefy-smell.
Anyway, I have to make a list of things I will do as soon as I wake up. I have some water rations to prepare and some real rations. I have to be in Padi's Point Antipolo by 8ish. that means leaving at around 7:15 at the latest. Which will require about an hour or less of prep.
I have ice coffee to help me wake up and start my dynamic stretching after I warm up a bit. But before that, some crackers and jam to stop my acidity from getting out of control with the coffee... and before that taking my Hepa-B med which requires me to be hungry... I shouldn't forget to take my multi-vitamins. Either as a placebo or it really works, I'm not suffering cramps so badly when I take it.
Juggling my meds, acidity and diet sucks. they conflict so easily.
Fixed up my Character Creation Wiki. The character sheet is up and I was playing around with it. With about 23 things to roll up but with a bonus in hedged in the upper 16% (+1), 2% (+2) and the 0.5% (on an 18, +3). Its really about rolling a talent.
Interestingly, I rolled up a character thats 76lbs and 5'2". A BMI of 15 and small stature the character had a -3 to strength. Only thing notable is that he has a good voice, awe, and agility. Still, the visuals or the imagery of the stats are pretty vivid when BMI, Height and Weight are given context like Physical Condition.
This character would be better than a lot of people in drawing. He has a good sense of balance and a good voice. He could be a scout, especially since his small stature will come in handy. Feed him well to bring him up to 22 BMI and build up his Physical Condition, his Strength might get to +0. The voice is another thing, people may under-estimate. A good voice his pleasant to listen to. He may be the one people would rather listen to when he starts rattling off the things he's seen.
The first character looks tall at I rolled up had negatives. He is tall at 5'10" and 160lbs and with a poor Physical Condition. He has poor stamina/endurance but average resistance. he has poor intelligence, vision, and sense of smell. While he has good Wis, Agl and Voice. The odd mix of strengths and weaknesses are a fun puzzle to work into a personality. Still, the poor Int and Sight are problems.
the third character I rolled up was a pretty smart. He has good voice, Int, Awe but VERY poor socialization and inter-personal intelligence. He also has a Poor memory... which kinda sucks. The guy is also tall and skinny at 5'9" and 143lbs.
Here are the things you roll for the character:Social Status/ClassBirth RankBuild (general size)HeightBMIWeight (not rolled Height and BMI)Physical Condition (level of fitness)Strength (not rolled but derived from Physical Condition, Height and BMI; -5 to +6)EnduranceResistance (Resistance against diseases, toxins, poisons, bad sanitation etc.)VisionHearingAgility and Sense of BalanceManual Dexterity and Sense of TouchSense of Smell/TasteLogic-Mathematical Intelligence (INT)Spatial Awareness and Visual Intelligence (AWE)Empathy and Intra-Personal Intelligence (WIS)Socialization and Inter-Personal Intelligence (CHA)Language AbilityMusical AbilityMemoryAppearanceVoice
I find a lot of dimensions to roll for fun. When the poor and good ranges can be taken from anecdotal experience, it makes the character more believable and relate-able. Still, this is kinda still bare, Characters get modifications based on their education and "life" paths. A Year in a profession or circumstance can change a character.
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