Start Up Dreams

I was just looking at Kelestia productions and their visible business model is the kind I would want to get into if opportunity knocked on my door.

I calculated how much Operations and Starting Capital Costs for such a dream: 3million pesos or around $60,000. This is enough to operate at the duration of a year. Dreams like these cost money and they don't come out as a sure thing.

The 3 million assumes that I can enter into the business and get a return on investment greater than 20% (the load interest of some banks) and 11% given the average Philippine inflation. Thats not the only thing the to pay back, to make it really worth while is that it should make enough money to allow it to grow, add on that bank interest another 30-50% return. A total of 60% return would be necessary to decide to grow further or to set the stage to sell the company.

Business don't exactly have a season to mark start and end of earnings. Seasons do tend to affect opportunities, but they are not with enough certainty to follow. The assumption goes for money making opportunity happens at that the worse possible time. There is very little time to make an executive assessment of the opportunity, than turn the whole team around to meet it. Chances are this happens often and a leader would quickly exhaust his credibility steering this small company.

My Start up Dream begins with what ever work it can get. 3d Artists are Jack of All trades, they have to be when they start out and a personality inclination. They can do draw, animate 2d, write, do special fx etc. In fact, I can venture to say the 3d Artist is the quintessential wandering artist who ply their trade flexibly even in the fluctuation of trends.

What does this company Do. Well for starters, the company has to be able to do one thing that can bring in money in the worse of times: 3d. Particularly in the mastery of commercial-level-realistic rendering process, and incorporation of architecture.

2nd income source: the ability to provide Open Source Graphic Engine Services via OGRE. The company should in a limited degree be able to provide the service of creating Interactive but economic-quality 3d Walk-throughs.

Tertiary Income Source: The company should be to train, at the cost of the student or patron company, the vocational skills involved in order to work professionally to provide these 2 services on their own.

Why Create competition? Despite that the company is willing to sell the training, it doesn't devalue the services it provides. In fact the proliferation of more 3d Artist/Graphic Programmers means the Higher Skilled Artists can move up towards Management levels. It builds an industry from the ground up, by creating some way for the people who most values the

The competition is assumed to come from the notion artists remain the same in skill and ability in a year of work. I've learned in organizational science and a well managed group, In a year of demanding projects, organizational systems improve and evolve very quickly and seasoned artists are able to undertake more complex projects over time. Competition makes sure a company is run as efficiently as possible and maximizes the value of its most seasoned artists allowing them to have a hand in organization and innovation.

Basically its putting a gun to your head and forcing you to innovate: Like it or not, able or unable. If the management is not doing their job, they will lose their key artists and will find someone else taking their jobs.

Training other artists, at the students expense, is one of the keys in making sure only those who value training get it and the company is continually producing more value for its time. Free training is an expensive for a company, it is also more expensive when you consider the costs of making sure that newly trained Artists stays long enough to give a return to the company. I don't need to justify it extensively, because there has been enough studies about this to point out that this is a wasted expense.

If someone without the means wants to get into a vocation, then they can negotiate with the company to pay it back for the education some way. If it is a loan to bank for the education, or a contract with the company the underlying checks and balances are easier to uphold.

There is also the factor that Free Education, has a tendency to devalue it. Education should aways have a cost, and to the Child or the Young adult should quickly learn its value outside of the nagging of authorities or loved ones.

Philippines and Project Stealing - The reason one's projects can be stolen is because we fail to create enough value to resist it. In the Philippines this is the case, have a big project and the architect/designer will sell it to the lowest bidder (why we hire foreign designers/architects). Is it really just price? Some low bidder can throw you a low ball but give you a NIGHTMARE of disappointments: failed deadlines, redone work, not following instructions, and leaving you high and dry etc.

Disclaimer to my assumptions - This assumes I have a way to stop people from cheating the system. Project stealing can be done even more effectively if you KNOW or acquire the details of negotiated deals and THEN base all your negotiations. Copying promises another company makes is easy, living up to it is harder. Those who copy would lie or bribe the company agent to get into a deal which can screw them over in in the next 7 months to year.

Its all par for the course, when you consider cheating and business. That is why honest people are as transparent as possible, without revealing trade secrets, in order to get business. Thankfully its is a global market, and businesses have to deal with less jerks of a client these days.

Testing Ground Pet Projects -


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