YouTube - RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
YouTube - RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us I get this. I think the underlying principles at work is a kind of volunteers dilemma. When there is a clear incentive for One person, the first thought of everyone else is that: I don't want to compete. In The wisdom of crowds, dynamism and well thought out creativity can only come from a group of people willing to take each others ideas and improve on them. A Single Incentive basically dis-incentives everyone else. Who wants to be "used" to get the bonus. The "met-needs" really works is because the incentive is in building a better work environment with their own hands. Incentive is in making their Job easier (Kaizen). For me, learning this, I can see a lot of problems someone who doesn't understand the Cognitive Bias concepts that will occur trying to do this. One particular problem as people who don't see this as an opportunity and a chance to slack off, second is that people...