Wind Power Blues and Noy 2 conscerns

Wind is unreliable and at best it can only serve as supplementary power source. In other words, one can only build wind turbines as long as there is another more reliable power-source that can pick up the slack at its lowest performance.

So if you are a developing country with a lot of fossil fuel burning plants, Wind turbines serve to increase your capacity by its.

All turbines and batteries that need rare-earth elements for construction. Those valuable elements will find its price going up as more turbines and batteries are going to be needed to bring down fossil fuel consumption. I wouldn't worry regarding exhausting all the planet's rare-earths, there are many countries (Philippines included) that have not been surveyed for it.

As more countries can afford the tech that require these rare earths, will we experience the mineral shortage we experience now with iron and copper?

Yellow Future. Philippine Population growth is at 2%. If Philippine economic growth is at 4% minus inflation, that additional 2% is purely population work force increase. In the next 10 years if things proceed at roughly this level, I will see a quality of life increase by around 20% (sad).

I wish Noy2 remembers his economics lessons. If not remember he can seek the aid of the IMF, World bank and the experts of the world to take scientifically proven measures to eliminate corruption and spur growth.

My Economic Lessons:
Full Transparency First! Make it easy for the Public to Police and Gather Evidence of corruption against Corrupt officials and thus make it harder for anyone to steal. this is cheaper than giving more money to the police and army, and when applied skillfully will break up all other things.

Simplify Laws - One of the BIGGEST sources of Corruptions. Ex. Customs, BIR, etc. the more checks and balances the more room for red tape. The best way to reduce abuse, which the checks and balances were supposed to take care off, is by making all processes transparent and easy to understand.

Apply the most recent revelation in game theory to fix the tax laws to encourage more honesty and accountability. Laws that do not ask too much tend to

Get Rid of Ombudsman - The anti-corruption legal arm always serves as an Attack dog for the current administration to screw political opponents. Let transparency and public self interest fuel action against corrupt and inefficient government.
Re- Target and Structure for Education - Tertiary/Higher Education budget should be severely re-allocated to serve the Poor and not the middle class. Bring up primary and secondary education attendance or access to 80%+. Some economists recommend privatizing the state university! and giving Private Education more wiggle room. Personally if thats how badly we need to ramp up our primary schools, the better.

Let private firms be encouraged for providing Vocational and Technical training through tax incentives provided by the government for Schools. The Goal is to max out one of the most important economic fundamental that affects: fights corruption, economic growth, innovation, better governance, etc. Education! A country's education is its health.

Break up the Political Dynasties - Let anyone run for election but the state will fund the campaigns and have provisions with channels, media outlets, and internet promotion. To limit spoilers and abuse, use current innovations in game theory in system design.


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