The complications of being an Atheist in the Philippines

School is one of the things that piss me off about living in the medieval institutions of the Philippines. I find the institutions medieval, while I find the masses pretty blameless.

It costs (my wife hates it when I give the actual prices, she says its arrogant) a year for Fountain International. STI has some high schools and there are good independent and secular schools like Creative Learning in Pasig that goes up to grade 6 (i think). If I was sure I will have enough free time I don't mind taking care of education of my kid personally. Thats what my grandfather did for me, and the ability to explain complex ideas to children is always a good exercise if you have understood it well and are able to communicate with someone physiologically different (neurologically speaking).

My masters had a professor requiring us to answer case studies with song, origami, and collages. After that experience I basically said "screw this" and didn't continue. Religion has really dealt alot of damage in the Philippine educational system. How can a business school be so blind to calcifying negative organizational behavior.

There are online courses with their syllabus available and videos of all the classes. The way you actually get to the answers of a case study is actually discussion facilitated by a 3rd party, not necessarily a professor. If you want to test your conclusions there are lot of forums out there for business discussion. The basic skills of researching the internet of any geek or nerd is adequate in capturing the education you want. Testing it out and experimenting your knowledge to see how well you understand it is left to your own ingenuity (that's one of the reasons I host RPGs).

Self education may be your only hope coming from the Philippines and not being able to afford proper educations abroad. There are many business theories and techniques that are not practiced and not applied here because normalization of deviance aspects of Philippine culture (which means bad practices that we don't actively look for and correct). I realized when I pursued my self education I was getting more things done and I find my own reasons to enjoy topics people are forced to learn.

The carrot and stick method of grades doesn't really work for me because the status aspect of it has left a bad taste in my mouth growing up. I like being in the fringes where I feel more accepted and comfortable.

I just find the education situation stupid. I know I can never get the quality education other countries with better functioning governments and improved HDI but If I can find enough time with my future/hypothetical kids it may not be all that bad.

Role-playing gave me my chance at an education, It might work for the next generation.


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