Race Bending is disturbing me

The Last Airbender Trailer is leaving me disturbed. If they made the Entire cast white I don't mind, but all dressing characters as non-whites is kinda disturbing.

I mean, think about it. If race didn't matter and the skill of the actor did, then the Fire Nation wouldn't be all Indian. In fact, there would be a blind eye to race and we just seperated people by their cultural costumes.

Instead, you have this freakishly inconsistent distribution. If they had a hard time getting an asian kid that can do the stunts, they can always CGI it, they did it in the trailer anyway.

So what is the point? So I will write a story inspired by 19C Wild Western America with all visuals and fantasy that comes with it, and populate it with People who cannot pass off visually as that culture. Like, making them all Filipinos. What would be REALLY inconsistent is keeping all the "Blacks" Blacks and not an analog: like uneducated filipinos.

Its really a WTF? I know M. Night has been a bit off in holywood rumors but throwing the asian out of asian culture feels like a slight with no artistic justification.

He could have taken Ang from the TON of Chinese talent in CHINA. I mean, really I watch their Stephen Chow films and their kids are really good actors.

Note that I am hurt because, If I ever were to be inspired by a culture and its ideas I would make an effort to justify my divergence. Even in the trailer, I will communicate respect.


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