Better Uses of my Time
I have good auditory comprehension, which speaks highly of me as a listener (if my attention is engaged). I've noticed there is a pattern how I remember stories alot better when there are motives and personalities involved. When they are real people, my memory seems to work much better.
I tend to visualize very strongly the descriptions of the quirks and quickly replay a bunch of situations where that quirk can be applied or seen other than the given example.
So I can listen, how about read?
I think I fall within the average of 200 words per minute. I remember reading game of thrones and it took me around 30hours to finish 700 pages with really bad comprehension. After finishing it and going to the forums I missed out in so many clues. Even in my daily reading, I have to look at a line at least twice before being certain of what I read.
Well, I've read up on speed reading and its pretty fishy for me. Particularly, if it IS such a successful strategy why is it that it has not become dominant. I wouldn't blame education or people for this one. Rather, I'll looking at how the brain is designed to see faces and to look for other things than interpret symbols.
I mean, i like observing people and looking at their odd habits and mannerisms. In fact I consciously stop my self from staring often enough... of course I still look its just that I use reflection and peripheral clues to what is going on. I admit that I don't get direct visual assessment because it would give away my observation.
Intelligence is never perfectly the same with everyone. Different conditionings and environment makes us more attentive to different things. I know what grabs my attention, and It would be delusional of me to say that it has always been a struggle for me to read and it doesn't come as naturally to me as my friends.
Facial Expressions. I'm not saying I'm the best listener either, its just that it is how I prefer my information. There is a lot of context to it. Watching the mentalist, i begin to wonder how carefully do I listen when I do and what can I detect about the speaker.
Its not that I detect a lot, like the mentalist, I just happen to notice it slightly more than when I read the information. Particularly patterns of certainty.
I'm more and more self conscious of my facial expressions and emotion, because of shows that heighten my paranoia regarding people detecting my indifference and my being polite. So much more that I'm actually developing a facial expression strategy :P how to appear as a good default mannerism that conveys less about what I'm really thinking.
Patrick Jane has that very practiced Smile. So practiced he has all the muscles going, including the forehead. I can't crease that effectively when I fake a smile (and you see the same thing being talked about in Lie to me).
Yikes, being more and more hyper aware of things that would simplify your life if you weren't.
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