Of all the crazies

Was able to post 2 articles in Filipino Freethinkers.

One was about Blame and the Other about War Weariness. They are pretty much related, one is about the blanket statements and hasty generalizations made in general: typically assigning blame. The other is about Weariness of having to answer to malformed ideas.

Basically, the articles were based on allocentrism: trying to understand the other person and properly analyze the situation.

Lately i've observed how some people, think that morality of an Atheist is relative. It is and it isn't. It is really a complicated matter, but it doesn't stop them from assigning blame.

Interestingly, the same people would have you believe that nothing is reasonable. That even happiness, what is good, and things we use our reason to determine, cannot be determined by reason. It is basically sawing off the branch one is sitting on. Ug. I know its dumb, but I still remember when my Opus Dei training made me just as mentally blind to common sense.

You still have to be nice, and being nice requires patience. Patience you lose when you are being run to the ground, exhausted.

Intelligence, that is not my own.
The very skill of "common sense" is not common. Logic, Math, and Science are mental disciplines that need to be drilled into oneself. Surprisingly, people mistake my "creativity" as an extension of my Artistic inclination, when I have long ago realized it is merely the use of undisciplined application of scientific principles.

I don't believe in artistic inclination, I believe that creativity is purely a trade off regarding mental flexibility and hard wiring/conditioning that makes us think more efficiently. I think I see more options when I'm not so firmly committed to something that is inflexible. I see more options in a given area of expertise when I know more about what patterns to expect. The combination of hard wired pattern recognition, choosing not to commit to certain ideals (that can lead to ideologies), and a continuous process off "house cleaning" the mental process does wonders to one's intelligence.

What is common sense?
I was surprised when someone told me that Sun Tzu's work was not that great. I had to remind the person that it was written in the 6th Century BC and had elements of pragmatic philosophy that was not to be seen until the 16th Century Philosophers. Heck, I'm constantly reminded how rare is the most basic version of empirical or scientific philosophy: pragmatism so rare.

The Philippines despite hitting 92M still has extremely small number of pragmatists and the more developed iterations. Currently I'm aware of probably 1:10,000 are pragmatists or 0.01% are able to think with the most rudimentary of of empirical principles and apply them to other aspects of their lives, and not just as a basic functioning member of society.

Game theory enhanced my "common sense" by giving me a method, a checklist, by which I can be sure I've covered something thoroughly.

Although, come to think of it: common sense is misleading. A more accurate description of it is, fundamental logical and empirical tools. Which are skills that need practice and not inherently innate in proficiency. One cannot lack this, without being crazy or losing sentience. I think it is best measured in degrees instead of flat 1 or 0.

Saying someone has no common sense is an insult, and is not true. They have the a very unpracticed ability to reason, and at times can get lucky with more sophisticated ideas and problems. I would rather say unpracticed, rusty, or deteriorated common sense.

kath. I was nearsighted and astigmatic.


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