Something Too long and Off-Topic

I've watched this. Great debate.

But just to be clear. It's the Catholic [b]Church[/b] and not necessarily its followers.

"followers" or victims?
there are also enablers and abusers?
I guess it will be a matter of semantics. There are those within the church that does use its influence for political, material and temporal gain. Back in the 80-90s being a priest was not just a calling but a career that had special perks, in what ever social class you may have come from. I know of some priests who really use this as a card in politiking (because of my Opus dei background). They are smart enough to know better, but they the game as it is.

Hitchens talks about the intentional and conspiratorial denial of certain facts when the church is confronted with it. These were also brought up in the debate, and the old lady discarding the important points as "unimportant" just after Stephen Fry pre-emptively brought it up is an example of its inherent danger.

The choice of Ignoring the Truth to accommodate a doctrine that is proving not to be universal at the cost of untold lives and suffering is seriously Evil. In the way the Church will find SINS of Omission Evil. (talk about holding the church by its own standards).


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