A Proud Troll

Challenging popular point of views as a habit actually encourages trolling. I'm not an expert of memetics but I do understand the concept and some of the psychology around it. As I come to understand it, I understand the role of the Troll- at least the secularist Troll's job: It is to maintain probe for weaknesses in an idea and bring it out before it can do any damage.

Prevention, Vigilance, and constant challenge have that very interesting idea governing it: the idea that everything is imperfect and all we can really do is continue to work at it.

As a kid, I hated hygiene, organization, and cleaning rituals, I would think "What's the point?!", if things would go back in the way they were: dirty and disorganized. Out of neccesity, the habits becomes mechanical and routine in nature.

If I had a chance to explain it to my younger self, I would have a much better argument than before. I would tell myself:
"All that seeming crappy chores have a purpose, you learn to do simple and small things efficiently. You grow to be more organized and efficient, sorting things very quickly, learn to juggle more responsibilities, and you learn to appreciate the value of the smallest goal as you work towards a greater one.

In the end, this fundamental skill creates foundation of a strong mental structure. The stronger the foundation, the greater the edifice (builing) that can be built over it.

So your doing all the crappy chores, not because you need to do them but you want to grow into something much better and every little innovation improvement of skill matters when you grow up."

Mind you, this is meant for a kid with my gamer and idealist disposition. I was a very gullible kid that believed in heroes and ideals. Associating action with a grandiose goal helps point the kid in the right direction. It is parental consistency and discipline that adds necessary force to move the stubborn mind on its way.

Arson. We started playing super smash brothers :P Although i'm looking for more of a tactical cooperative for the wii. I bet she can find one that has good revise.

My new fascination: the perfect survival kit. It is only now, with my lessons taking good hold that I am able to understand what is fundamental in approaching an emergency situation. It is from this

assembling a Survival Kit under Php1,500 is quite possible. Although i'll have to take my time going to certain places to get a good deal on certain tools. I don't want to post my survival basics here- I;m saving it for my Airsoft blog (which is entitled "What I learned in Airsoft and not purely Airsoft) and my Gming blog as a realistic load out.

My Gming philosophy is so much problem solving and realistic individual initiative that its gone the deep end of niche. Knowing real world metrics makes me un-able to play high-fantasy to a greater degree. Every object now has come under a new light.

Before I've never been observant of basic object qualities. Now I'm learning to be more observant and my weekly tinkerings actually unintentionally enhanced that.

Now, I'm particular about the kind of plastic, the way the metal is shaped, breakage, wear and use, organization, multiple applications, and possibility of other uses.

Stuff I learned in manufacturing, running mysteries, and the rugged exercises in airsoft. Now I'm particular about the kind of zipper, the wobble of a certain part, its cost, the way its manufactured and a whole lot of crap I didn't use to care about.

Its interesting how my decision making tree has grown more complex, with more branches, exceptions and more defined goals. It is these kinds of details and the appreciation of them that tickles my imagination as for a game.

Game Cravings: Post Apoc (Twilight 2013), GURPS Gunsmith Cats (Gear crazy game Mid 1990s tech; Late TL7), FreeTrader Late TL7 adventure (Possible Traveller, but in a world that is mostly like late1990s earth), and Scifi WWII tech (Warhammer 40k in traveller, WWII styled mass produced armies).


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