What is Normal

An on going talk about what is normal in GURPS terms. Even lay people can understand or see the point of views of the forum contributers concerning topics such as: Expected Social Responsibilities, Social Duties and Obligations, Belief Structure and Religion, etc. etc.

It is a bit subtle and insidious if you know me, because I don't know if I'm trolling or I'm being trolled or I'm trying to Preach or I'm trying to enlighten. I guess its a gray mix of all of the above. Its a topic that is very uncomfortable to talk about and especially when discussion is to inivite DOUBT!. Fortunately challenging pre-existing notions IS my core belief structure.

It is interesting to note as a secularist and to other secularists, you will notice a thread that talks about morality based powers ...ehrmmm. If life was only as simple as black and white there would be no room for gray matter (the other gray meat if you catch my drift).


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