Philippines is becoming Facist?

Facism, simply put, is the control over the personal choices and life of individuals. You begin that by removing the right to free speach. I can't believe it, who the F*ck wrote this bill?

Even other Goverments don't have their right to reply extend to the Press or Anyone in General. Why is this bill being entertained, we already have severe corruption and transparency issues and we have this to boot. F*Ck that.

"House committee on public information Manila 6th district Rep. Bienvenido Abante Jr. on Monday delivered his sponsorship speech for House Bill 3306,"
I bet this guy must be a politicos dog or a a really dirty politician to want to cover his a$$ with this bill. There is no international precedent that makes sense for this bill, why the F*ck are we even having this discussion.

basically, If this bill will be finalized, I guess I will have to move to another country. You cannot have a "bad" goverment, thinking that removing "free speach" will make it better.


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