Game Today

Marikorea. yes its Mari-Korea. It has nothing to do with koreans. It has more to do with the Marine Reactive Comand Battalion??? or something that sound like that... not really sure.

I was able to get a kill (YEAY! 4 confirmed kills-confirmed means the person admited), but only because the guy was cheating so bad. I was basically lying prone in the grass, the guy basically walked over me, not seeing me- So i shot his leg. He didn't react so I had to called out to him- "Sir Nabaril na kita Po!" (Sir I shot you already) the guy was surpised to see me, appologized while deftly giving away my position and I just waited for them to localize me when they would be spraying BBs in my general area. Thats life.

A lot of people were witness to what happened and when i related my story to fill in all the other details the didn't catch- it basically slammed the credibility of the group we were playing with. Unlike the other group- we were mixed up and didn't know each other. The group we played with was One group. Towards the End I was saying:
"They play to aggressively without checking if they got hit"
"They got hit, and they knew it!" Said my non-CTO team mate.
"Well it is better to Assume they are not cheating because we cannot do anything about it if they were."
One thing about the Place I like is the Dampa right beside it, Wetmarket Grill that had pretty good quality ingredients upon my limited observation. They all claim to offer free side of eggplant, just add diced onions, tomotatoes, and unripe mango and I'm IN! Nothing like grilled fresh squid and boneless milkfish seasoned with soysauce and philippine lemon. You have your seasoned "meat" side of veg and fruits, a sour-sweet element (the unripe mango) complimenting it all. Oh and may I add garlic rice with grilled bacon slabs to that order.


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