To Prove Something

Creativity. I come from a creative background. My mom would always say my logic was wrong and would say that it is because I'm an artist. Growing up, I was the worst artist I knew most of the time. I was neither creative nor inventive. I failed in every art contest but one and I saw my lack of creativity compared to many of my peers draw starkly.

Over time, I did see the other side of veil of "creativity". I slowly began to see also that what I considered the application of fundamental rules of balance, contrasts and targeted audience considered something of "Creative" by many others. Sorry for bashing creativty but I don't believe I'm a creative and believe people who think they are, they are intuitive followers of these 3 fundamental aspects.

Creativity is nothing without its results. Their results are measured by their attraction and ability to do what it was intended to do for its intended audience. Sounds familiar? Because creativity is Predictable and can be developed.

The thing about my initial Title is that, I've proven to my self and in how I've developed many other things that Creativity is not a talent or a trait. Creativity is merely an extension of a level of skill or mastery over a subject. When someone knows all the options and all the manners he can work on the matter, his use of unusual avenues usually is considered "creative". The thing about creativity is that people want to also believe it is a talent, and that their choice of non-standard methods is a "Creative" choice.

Where am I going with this? Well, I have a lot of Ideas. I will be finding time to work on a business and to work on a collaboration of a Novel. My odd mix of expertise and eye for certain media actually has some pattern and order that has an advantage. Basically, I have the experience and expertise to work creatively as a group. Strangely GMing has helped me worked with others when their Ideas are clearly different from my own. This is a strength that few people can appreciate the possibly applications.

What can you do with such skills? Well, if you have been in a cave these past 10 years then it may not be immediately obvious. If you lived in the Philippines with this Serfdom of an economy it may also not be obvious. The ability to work "creatively" and efficiently serves a particular niche. A niche that has antiquated methods and has costs that far exceed its gains. The ability to organize, delegate, develop, and achieve certain goals instead of depending on one person mastering ALL the seperate skills is much more efficient (and cheaper).

In the real world, economies of scale affect even things we normally would not associate it to. When a special forces team can cost $200M to train and equip, a regular army with all its rank and file officers would cost as much or and possibly cheaper depending on the country. The special forces team is great, but if one of them died the loss would be staggering but an army on the other hand can do, in their own way, the same job (but messier) or create the same level of threat (without the complex and precise intelligence needed to use special forces).

This principle we see this in many outsourcing. In truth, the educational system here in the philippines is the pits. The most expensive schools here have TONS of useless subjects. Ex. 12 units of Religion, 12 Units of philosophy, (in UP) 12 units of socialist philosophy, Peaceeducation!, Work-Life-balance! and No targeted career direction, Limited career developement or coaching, poor job placement. Infact, our many of our highly trained people are going to BPOs (a form of glorified serfdom IMO because of the severly limited upward mobility).

I hope that I can get to a level of experience soon that I can execute my many ideas while so many have not thought to take advantage of them.


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