Another Reason Gaming relates to Success in life

Game Theory. If you click on this link, you find a bit about game theory. Recently I've been investing in some entrepreneurship consumables. One interesting investment was 14 hour lecture on Game theory. It is interesting when I think about the synergy of Game Theory and Hot Decision Making, which is needed with entrepreneurship.

Battle tech. Well, what I liked about the Mech Warrior Computer Game was that it was that it was really fast paced. After playing irsoft and I noticed that the decision making under fire and from the POV of the combatant is very different from moving pieces on the board. I've made adjustments in the way I handle combat on Table Top combat: reduced decision making time, reduced general visibility of opponents, and in general didn't allow PC to PC communication unless they really spent seconds speaking.

Battle Tech also weirded me out, when I had to glean some very basic engineering and manufacturing principles, and basic military theory (all learned to run games). There are few very strong realities that oppose the development of mechs of that scale: size to mass ratio, economies of scale, the cost of labor and rules of infrastructure.
  • In size to mass ratio, there are factors of diminishing returns when dealing with mechs several stories high: bulk, visibility, logistics, and supporting infrastructure.
  • In economies of scale, why make 1 giant mech when X number of Infantry Divisions, mobile Armor, mobile Artillery, and Mobile Missle Defense can do a much better job, is more flexible and won't cost so much to replace or repair when damaged .
  • The cost of labor, human life will always be the cheapest capital in the war.
  • Infrastructure, technology will require the support system in the Settings diminished Infrastructure it is surprising that they can maintain mechs when it would be cheaper to maintain the combined arms mentioned above.
  • In military theory, the setting and their warfare undermines the role of artillery, mechs cannot hold as many roles, and mechs cannot hold a location as well as infantry.
You basically throw a LOT out of the window when playing Battle Tech. So much that, you're playing Sci Fi Fantasy.


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