Head hurting from thinking too hard.

For the Gamer in me. I'm considering taking Post-Graduate Diploma on Management in La Salle (my Alma Matter). I consider it a level up towards applying the critical thinking I've learned in my Gamer life onto Magery... or Money Making- "The only Magic that Matters".

Still I think most of the talented Gamers I know would ace this and would do better than I would... if they have any reason to go into it. Typically I'd "attach" myself on those who can teach me more and who'se natural abilities exceed mine. I'm not looking forward to the Group Work since I am a prickly kind of person.

Talked to Melchior. Oh well, if he ever wonders what made me walk that direction he should know Nikos has a very strong hand in such events. It takes a lot of growing up on my part... A LOT of growing up.

Canvasing Artists. Found one (with possible access to some) and already laying the initial viability study for my Media production business. I've emailed the dude and hopefully more stuff pans out. Hopefully a meet next week.

Rackets. A term for projects on your own time. Working on my racket with the 1150 guys. Viability study and something fairly intresting. As I slowly mutate into an entrepenure I hang on to my artistic dream with these projects, hopefully I can apply what I learned in money making and efficiency into a way to produce and make money out of my project.

Upon Simplification the major aspects of money making, if they can be converted to game stats are the following:
  1. Management. This mainly the execution of a process and maintenance of what every "gimick" the money maker is going to do. In a game it would be a passive skill that would reflect efficiency and how well a business can take sh!t that comes along. This also includes aspects of money collection.
  2. Marketing. Selling an Idea or a Product is all about Marketing. Communicating the value of your service or product is the foundation of an exchange of resources (without the use of force of course). This skill includes networking, contacts, and knowing who will buy your stuff or will help you sell it.
  3. Analysis. The bottom line is profit, management may run things ok and market may get you some money but without Analysis you can not see where you're going. Analysis is many complicated things that combines the other two, but in the context of this skill it is the ability to predict anything relevant to the future of your business. When to Exit, when to Enter, what to change, who to hire, who to fire, who to sell to next, who will make more money etc... Analysis is the consoldiation of the two other skills and the data about past and current performance.
This is just a simplification of many more skills and traits that make up a successful Magician... er...Businessman. In the thinking Gaming has taught me, working with a simple open concept then slowly integrating it and developing the big picture of how everything works in your head is understanding one needs to master any game... or in any process.

Getting Sick.
hehehe, chat got infected


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