? what can I say?

Arson. Actually I finished writing my blog on the walk to the car it just got deleted when I got a call. I wanted to post at least a bit before .

Work. I'm a day behind so I have to catch up now. Reinstalling a bunch of stuff cause Vista is being a Pain.

Ubuntu Again. Part of my Job is learning new programs. I guess that is why I'm pretty stubborn to learn other new things. I have already a lot of things that I need to learn. I'm getting POed with Vista and after learning that 3ds Max supports Linux, that is one more point towards linux.

Towards a linux dominant community. What you pay for in Linux is the Service. The creators of Linux intended for a very stable system that got improvements on demand and when companies that could afford it needed it. Compared to Windows which is the Dominant IT service, the Linux service is hard to come by and harder still to make-compatible with pre-existing Windows Tech.

The power of Linux is held by the IT, not some single corporation. If people need something else form Linux, they branch out. You can see in the Variety of Linux OS available. On the other hand, you don't have the capital investment power of a corporation.

Slowly we've reached a point where Singularly controled Power vs Diffusely Controled Power is at Odds. there are pros and cons, its like comparing the growing super powers of India and China. One is Diffuse and has many equally strong competing facets and one is a homogenous and singular entity. In one the strongest survives, In the other they succeed or fail by the competence of those in power. I'm for the diffusion of power, simply because we have reached a critical mass that allows us to all be happy with our own choices and lifestyles.

Back to Linux dominant community. Notice that I say Linux not Ubuntu. I'm more familiar with Ubuntu. I also plan to use it for the Company Render farm. My long range plan is working with UP and the strong Linux community growing out of there as well as a friend who is a Linux Missionary (preaching the good word) Ryan. If I am to have a business plan, I'll try to make it work with certain groups that will maximize opportunity to those who are highly motivated and provide opportunity to the widest possible area.

Given the Capital and Lucrativity of 3d Animation and IT, I might as well make it lean towards a sustainable system by which it increases the amount Linux IT specialists, as to reach critical mass that will certainly a good thing.


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