it IS sustainable!

Ubuntu. I'll help prove it and i'll help many people proving it. The people who can afford it can have their windows, for the rest of us, we will have Ubuntu.

Starting New Projects. This business thing should be easy to the smarter people I know... although strangely luck has a lot to do with it. Money I think is a matter of luck, and being really lucky might be highly more advantageous than intelligence.

One thing I learned is to expect failure. In fact failure is part of the process, which strangely doesn't make it a failure. Strangely I'm actually thinking ahead. I don't normally think in advanced, but knowing how this thing works now, I can't help but think ahead. What i have learned is telling me to be ready to pay for a number of tries till I get it right.

This new project that has got my juices flowing is a perfect seed for me to attain all my ambitions at the same time fulfill many of my aspirations. At this point I'm viewing it more real than ever. What makes it even more real is the fact that I know what I need and the fundamentals are slowly coming to me.

Knowing basic principles from history has taught me to see what is possible and why. and see the sage advice history lovers have imparted me. It is strange that people really would rather forget and move on. I can't blame them, forgetfulness is a great healer. But, Hard truths are what is lost in memory and what History has in store for us.

I'm used to see the doubt people have in its use. I can't feel bad about it, it can be as conflicting body of knowledge as theology. At least It has no rigid body of heirachy and it works well with science.

As I was once very religious, my faith has moved to history and the story very human nature tells us. My Faith is misplaced in half truth stories and biased point of views, but how different is it from religion anyway? there is no Blind Faith in History, just massive doubts about what really happened and what were the real intentions that caused them.

Doubt and Faith are strange things to find beside each other. Strangely, they mix quite well on the plate of a history buff. These two things do very well to hide the truth and, stranger still, they do very well to hint at it.

I still want to run that Crusader Game, I still want to make that TRPG show, and I still want to own my own stable and horses. It is all possible, but I have to choose which to work on and make real.

I'd like to learn to know how to trek with a horse not to ride and prance around. The way men had travelled for most of human history, like the romans, the arabs and the people of the steppe. Learning to work with them instead of riding them like really expensive pets. That would be an interesting skill to learn.


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