Reckless Driving Scam

If you drive around makati from work then you might have experienced the "reckless driving scam" it is a scam because any violation you may make, will be augmented by a reckless driving. It is a simple game: the corrupt policeman will give you a simple choice: pay P2000 for a crime you didn't commit or bribe them with P1000 and save your self time and in return gain the terrible feeling of violation.

This classic Scam or Con, is simple and can be done over and over again and has no way for the motorist to defend himself. Because to defend his OWN rights will require him ot spend a lot of time in the RED TAPE of the makati goverment to argue otherwise. No matter what you do you lose: either money and time fighting for your rights or just money and your sense of security at a goverment that can freely steal away your rights.

If you know better, they will push the P2000. They will drag you down, with the bias of their tellers and the absence of the accused officer who gave you the false claim. What can they do fire him? They have a hundred just like him! And for every one they will wear down the population that drive through makati.

Anyway, nothing like these devils punishing you for being a good citizen and taking money you worked honestly and hard to earn.

Now what can you do about it? To NOT do something is to admit defeat and that your rights can be violated again and again. Personally, if I can tell any hot blooded driver out there to do something, is to do something that would set an example. If you can get away with killing one and displaying the crime they commit, the better. Crimes of almost random opportunity is almost untracable. Killing 3 of them would be a barbaric action that should not even phase any man who has lived in this country and knows how cold blooded those who run it are. In fact acts of out right vigiliantism should be encourage if only to put fear in the hearts of these monsters who feel that the people are sheep for them to cull.

I don't like the Philippines as it is and we are all subject to the whims of the politicos. Personally, I smile happily at the acts of vigilantism in this country. I can't help my self when so much poison gets away in the system of this ailing world. Even now that the world economy is faltering and prophets warn of dark times ahead I feel so charged as to lift up a weapon and train it to the heads of those who make this country weak and weary.

Our police is laughable, the skill of crime has surpassed our law enforcement forces to a point that anyone can get away with vigilante action if they just follow a few simple rules: Distance, Preparation, and Disapearance. Have almost nothing to do with your target, you are a face in a massive crowd of millions. Prepare and think over everything, and of course do not create a pattern. It is about time our people and our journalists have some guns on their side of the fence.

With these simple steps death can come in any angle.


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