Running a Game again

maybe October. Maybe, just maybe I'll find the time to run a game that is in sync with everyone's sched at around October. If I had one more game what would it be? Medieval or Mahadlika??? hmmm... If time wasnt such a big issue, i guess if I want to start gaming more, I better work harder now so that I earn enough to have time to game. But running a game and making a game has pretty much the same draw for me, why run a game for 2+ people when i can work to making a game that can be played by hundreds or thousands!

Current Wishful thinking. Work on Portfolio. Model mahadlika Cebu Aka Regina. Model A ship. I plan to use 3d to Model the scenes for perspective and to arrange the elements then draw over or fix them up in photoshop. Then Model and Rigg a horse for animation.

One of my inspiration is Mount and Blade and I want to make open ended/sandbox RPG about Mahadlika.


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