
Showing posts from June, 2008

Busy and OT overnight again

I have to OT overnight again . Well no one is telling me but from the work load we need this OT. it well lower the stress if we are not Rushing too hard and fast against the deadline. Sustainable and Steady wins the race. Nationality is a bit overrated . You don't choose what your nationality your born into. Usually you carry nationality in generations, but in a globalized world and a world where we realize we don't have to take sh*t from those who continually abuse power and hold you from achieving your full potential. I feel the growing sentiment that it won't change... not because as a people, the country, has no wish for it... but its because its such a distant dream that can't be realize unless painful and lasting change can happen. If you consider the future of your offspring, I feel that it would be better that they fail because of their own decisions than the actions of other people. Slowly Philippine culture is learning to be satisfied and accept this condi...

TV marathon this weekend.

got some shows and movies we will be watching this weekend. Work . learning to animate quickly... although with compromised quality

too busy to blog

too busy to blog these days . right now I'm waiting for the program lag to end so i have a few seconds. Anwyway, thats why i am too busy to blog.
note about the overnight . Only got 4 hours of sleep because of the ants crawling every inch of the our huge 20% occupied office. Thats alot of ants. Still a bit The Office (NBC) Crazy . Disappointed that the 4th season DVD is not yet available. I cant wait for the 4th season to get here. I want to see how the do as a couple FINALLY! Energy level . Tired, very tired. I don't like OT. I'd rather be given a deadline and warned way ahead of time. A surprise deadline sucks ass. Especially when it is a day before. I'd rather increase the amount of work incrementally over a wide span of time. Paced, use of time is ok with me. Anyway, its not like I'm not motivated to do the work. Everytime I do something I'm learning and I'm finding more efficient methods. Of course, its a drain to bullrush your way through a problem and it can take some of your mental reserve for the week. Not writing enough . As I said before, been at a rush and been really busy. I havent' even ...

Woke up at around 7 ish

slept at 2 am reading trivia about the office . I was actually working until 12mn. You tube helped fill in the moments of boredom and drudgery.

At the office overtime

believe it or not I'm still working . I have to re-rig incompatible meshes :( Crazy about " the office " . The jim pam love thingy is really getting to me... i bet astro proff will like it very much as well. its just floating in my head, that look at the end of season 3. Its just there and all of the very sad moments of the show. I've never been so curious and interested about a tv love story arc. It reminds me of high school and what i thought love was supposed to be... before i got really bitter.


Our client has asked us to do a 7 day job in 2 days . Our team leader has asked us to overtime. It's really part of the job. Will be home late, cause I'm finishing this 5 second animation that is taking me 5 days roughly. The cat I'm making is 20 seconds... and with 2 days to work :( Anyway, if we overtime more than 5 hours we have a free day off. I could use it get my airsoft gun registered. The Office (American edition) . Of all the TV show love stories that follow the same formula, I don't know why I like the Jim and Pam storyline so much. Watching the show I don't know anyone else who can embarrass people or himself as well as Steve Correl(sp?). I can't see anyone as weird or outrageously crazy enough to pull it off as Steve.

Water Spa, Prono Party, LBM

LBM. Damn, suffering some LBM right now. I can still work but such an inconvenience. Ace Water Spa is great . 70s Themed Party for Vannie . 70s porno themed party. Anyway, I didn't dress up but gave a gift from both me and my wife. Saw Mojo and I got flattered about my mahadlika game. A general consensus is that 4th Ed DnD is weird and unnatural feeling for everyone.

Nomad: the warrior

planning to watch this once I get the DvD

been busy

I wish I could post more often, since I think a little too much . Right now we are animating some stuff. The computer is slowing down and It just had an error. Anyway I have a long list of things to do. Right now I'm having problems with the computer is slowing down as I write this. I have responsibilities right now not just work. I have my Mhadlika Game and Comic to prepare and I haven't the time. I wish I could write more but right now I have some stuff do.

Been Very busy

A foreign Principal is arriving this week . We don't know when this week but we have something to worry about cause we are not yet done. I don't what the deadline is exactly but I have a feeling its too close for comfort. Other than that, Thats pretty much why I've been too busy to post. Thankfully, I still keep a journal to write down my thoughts the old fashioned way. Although, I'd rather air it out so that I can have the mental reassurance that somewhere someone heard what I had to say despite how aberrant and usual the urge to vent was. Mahadlika . Anyway, got back to working on the comic. The amount of time that passed was enough to let things sink in and a new level of maturity and understanding lets me critique my harebrained ideas of unemployed self. My continous understanding of history and the circumstances surrounding it continue to alter my perception. History is like drugs, expands your mind in ways that challenge your previous perception. To leave or to st...