Sick, still

The doctor told me i could take 3 days off... but there is work to do :( and I feel bad not being at work to finish my lastest work. Its not like I was able to finish it ahead of schedule.

GURPS. well i've reached a new mile stone in my understanding of medieval economy. Mostly the new understanding is seeing the relationship of food prices and wage prices. Its really important to see how the two work in order to use the setting's tools to set wealth levels accurately.

Concerning myself with storytelling and helping the player immerse themselves in the world. I find the understanding of the economic mechanism of the a village to be essential in understanding how people thought in the times and what goes on in the most common and basic community found in medieval times.

Waiting for chat. I'm here in cyrberzone waiting for chat. I felt good enough to go to the doctor and have the check up, I feel good enough to wait for her. Anyway, i have a jacket and given how sensitive my back is to the cold It really helps.

I still got the sniffles and the cough still gets me dizzy, but i don't cough so often and maybe onece every 10 or so mins... i guess.


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